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Assign users and roles to a new collection #68

Open jmcglone opened 8 years ago

jmcglone commented 8 years ago

Via a GUI, setup a new collection and assign it a collection admin and depositor. Enable a super user to assign multiple collection admins to the collection. Enable a super user to assign multiple collection depositors to the collection. Enable a collection admin to assign other collection admins to the collection. Enable a collection admin to assign collection depositors to the collection.

gordonleacock commented 8 years ago

Carried over from #38: This is now pending some investigation by roger, nabeela, and myself. One key issue is do we store collection_managers and collection_depositors as 1) part of the collection meta data or 2) in a db using active record. A second key issue is how do we enable the proper permissions using that data in the various collection use cases (create a new collection, edit a collection, delete a collection, etc) presumably in the appropriate controllers.

I had been going down path 1) when we decided this need more investigation. Jose send a message to hydra-tech asking about people previous experiences with this issue which you can see here together with a response from Justin (!topic/hydra-tech/-1IIzDP8U7U).

njaffer commented 8 years ago

@gordonleacock thanks for sharing the info! Here is another link that talks about Admin sets:,+Admin+Sets,+Display+Sets

I would suggest that we all study the idea of Admin Sets and Display Sets and meet on Monday to brainstorm!

respinos commented 8 years ago

I'd recommend everyone spend some time setting up collections and access in the Deep Blue Dev environment, too.


On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 9:21 AM, Nabeela Jaffer wrote:

@gordonleacock thanks for sharing the info! Here is another link that talks about Admin sets:,+Admin+Sets,+Display+Sets

I would suggest that we all study the idea of Admin Sets and Display Sets and meet on Monday to brainstorm!

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njaffer commented 8 years ago

Any one has any insight into Avalon? It seems like Collection Admin concept is used there as well. Found this link useful:

njaffer commented 8 years ago

@respinos , good idea! Should we setup the access using the rake test that you have on the read me page? and setup Collection through UI? or Console?

njaffer commented 8 years ago

Another resource:

respinos commented 8 years ago

Sorry, @njaffer: I meant the other Deep Blue Dev ;-)

The Hydra community is very rooted in a particular approach to access control, and it'd be good for all of us to be on the same page as to where we're heading!

On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 10:33 AM, Nabeela Jaffer wrote:

@respinos , good idea! Should we setup the access using the rake test that you have on the read me page? and setup Collection through UI? or Console?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

respinos commented 8 years ago

Updated the prototyping plan on the wiki; attached below. Please send questions/comments!

gordonleacock commented 8 years ago

See also:

respinos commented 8 years ago

Expanding on the setting of default Item permissions...

item.apply_depository_metadata(user) sets the owner and grants Write access to user. What's not obvious is that user also gets read/discover permissions --- is Hydra using heuristics (if you can write/modify an item, you need to be able to read/discover it)?

Is it going too far for MHydra to implement "no explicit users/groups == anonymous/public"?

For indexing purposes, the collection managers will need to be added to read_users at least. Maybe just edit_users.

respinos commented 8 years ago

From hydra-access-controls ability.rb:

# edit implies read, so read_users is the union of edit and read users
def read_users(id)
  doc = permissions_doc(id)
  return [] if doc.nil?
  rp = edit_users(id) | (doc[self.class.read_user_field] || [])
  Rails.logger.debug("[CANCAN] read_users: #{rp.inspect}")
  return rp