mljs / libsvm

LIBSVM for the browser and nodejs :fire:
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
82 stars 14 forks source link

Import in a browser extension #24

Open danielg-favero opened 6 months ago

danielg-favero commented 6 months ago

Hello, I want to use the package inside a browser extension, but I can't manage to get it right. I'm building the extension with webpack.


const path = require('path');
const ESLintPlugin = require('eslint-webpack-plugin');
const CopyPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');

const extensionPages = {
  popup: './src/pages/popup',
  options: './src/pages/options',

const resources = {
  loading: './src/lib/Loading'

const scripts = {
  serviceWorker: './src/threads/serviceWorker',
  contentScript: './src/threads/contentScript',

const libs = {
  'libsvm-js': './node_modules/libsvm-js/dist/browser/wasm/libsvm'

module.exports = {
  entry: {
  experiments: {
    topLevelAwait: true,
    asyncWebAssembly: true,
    syncWebAssembly: true,
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.(js|ts)x?$/,
        use: ['babel-loader'],
        exclude: /node_modules/,
        test: /\.css$/i,
        use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'postcss-loader'],
        test: [/\.wasm(\?v=[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])?$/, /libsvm\.asm\.js$/, /libsvm\.js\.mem$/],
        loader: 'url-loader',
  resolve: {
    fallback: {
      path: require.resolve("path-browserify"),
      crypto: require.resolve("crypto-browserify")
    alias: {
      '@lib': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'lib'),
      '@pages': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'pages'),
      '@threads': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'threads'),
      '@views': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'views'),
      '@controllers': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'controllers'),
      '@services': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'services'),
      '@factories': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'factories'),
      '@styles': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'styles'),
      '@utils': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'utils'),
      '@models': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'models'),
      '@handLandmarkDetectors': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'handLandmarkDetectors'),
      '@gestures': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'gestures'),
      '@classifiers': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'classifiers'),
    extensions: ['.ts', '.js'],
    modules: [path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules")],
  output: {
    filename: '[name].js',
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
    clean: true,
  plugins: [
    new CopyPlugin({
      patterns: [
        path.resolve(__dirname, "./manifest.json"),
        path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'styles', "./tailwind.css"),
        path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'lib', 'Loading', 'loading.css'),
          from: 'src/**/*.html',
          to: '[name][ext]'
        { from: 'public' }
    new ESLintPlugin({
      extensions: ['js', 'ts'],
      overrideConfigFile: path.resolve(__dirname, '.eslintrc.cjs'),

And after that i'm trying to import the lib inside an Adapter file: svm.ts

import SVM from 'libsvm-js'

import { IStaticClassifier } from '@classifiers/types'
import { staticImplements } from '@utils/staticImplements'

export default class SVMClassifier {
    private estimator: any

    static create() {
        const svm = new SVMClassifier()

        return svm

    async setup() {
        console.log('Iniciando classificador SVM')

        this.estimator  = new SVM({
            kernel: SVM.KERNEL_TYPES.POLYNOMIAL,
            type: SVM.SVM_TYPES.EPSILON_SVR,
            gamma: 1,
            cost: 6,
            degree: 2

        console.log('Criado classificador SVM')

    async fit(data: unknown, labels: unknown) {
        await this.estimator.train(data, labels)

    async predict(hands: unknown) {
        return this.estimator.predict(hands)

What am I missing? Am I doing something wrong?