mllam / neural-lam

Neural Weather Prediction for Limited Area Modeling
MIT License
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Change copyright notice to specify all contributors #47

Closed joeloskarsson closed 3 weeks ago

joeloskarsson commented 3 weeks ago


As more people are now contributing to the code the copyright does not just belong to me and Tomas. To avoid having to update this with the name of every person contributing, I suggest to take some inspiration from e.g. and and use a general formulation "Neural-LAM contributors".

Description of change

Change the copyright notice in the MIT license to "Neural-LAM Contributors". The year can stay 2023, as that is the first year the work (the code) was published. As me and Tomas are included under "Neural-LAM Contributors" this is strictly expanding the number of copyright holders.

leifdenby commented 3 weeks ago

As more people are now contributing to the code the copyright does not just belong to me and Tomas. To avoid having to update this with the name of every person contributing, I suggest to take some inspiration from e.g. and and use a general formulation "Neural-LAM contributors".

Sounds great to me! Thanks for suggesting this :)