mllg / batchtools

Tools for computation on batch systems
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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clusterFunctionsSlurm.R returns incorrect "" #243

Open Suppanut opened 4 years ago

Suppanut commented 4 years ago

On a cluster that I'm using, sbatch prints multiple outputs. So, e.g., reg$status$ always returns incorrect which further causes some difficulties (e.g., cannot distinguish running jobs and expired jobs).

To illustrate my issue, please see below my simple syntax taken from clusterFunctionsSlurm.R.

res = runOSCommand("sbatch", "~/test.slurm")
# > res
# $sys.cmd
# [1] "sbatch"

# $sys.args
# [1] "~/test.slurm"

# $exit.code
# [1] 0

# $output
# [1] "sbatch: This job will be charged to the account \"liu\". Base Allocation:500,000.00 hours, Current Balance:497,218.77 hours (99% remaining)"
# [2] "Submitted batch job 1556425"

output = stri_flatten(stri_trim_both(res$output), "\n")
# > output
# [1] "sbatch: This job will be charged to the account \"liu\". Base Allocation:500,000.00 hours, Current Balance:497,218.77 hours (99% remaining)\nSubmitted batch job 1556425"

id = stri_split_fixed(output[1L], " ")[[1L]][4L]
# > id
# [1] "will"
michaelmayer2 commented 4 years ago

Funny to read that - this seems to be the same root cause as #244 - batchtools not allowing anything else other than a single line being returned from the sbatch / bsub command.

While in this case the accounting information are in the way - in #244 it is some information about default resource values being used.