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`reportAssertions` always reports errors from top level #238

Open dgkf opened 1 year ago

dgkf commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure if this is intentional, but it's a bit confusing.

Raising assertions in x, I would expect that the error message's call originates from x:

x <- function(a) {
  coll <- makeAssertCollection()

y <- function(...) x(...)

## Error in y() : 1 assertions failed:
##  * whoops!

Instead, the error is reported as originating in y().

This occurs because the top level call ( is used for the error condition instead of the calling frame (

For call stacks that span multiple packages, this can give the impression that errors are raised through the surface-level package when they were actually raised by a dependency.

Whether this is intended or not, the option to specify a call provided to reportAssertions would be a nice addition in order to make the error reporting communicate the location where the assertions are raised.