mllrsohn / gulp-protractor

gulp wrapper for protractor tests
MIT License
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Move protractor to peerDependencies #97

Closed dreef3 closed 7 years ago

dreef3 commented 8 years ago

Looks like the way it's now Protractor version is locked to 3.0.x. I experienced some issues on my project that got resolved by 3.1.1 version. When I tried to install 3.1.1, NPM installed 3.0.0 into nested gulp-protractor/node_modules, and paths to webdriver / selenium got broken as well.

Moving Protractor to peerDependencies will resolve this hard dependency.

marrony commented 8 years ago

Also, being able to update protractor independently will be a good opportunity to start using localSeleniumStandaloneOpts feature released on 3.1.0. For some unknown reasons selenium-server-standalone.jar is hanging while spin up and specifying on jvm args solved my problems. I changed manually to pass this argument.

Workaround suggested in:

mattfritz commented 8 years ago

I will update the version to 3.1.0 today. This will be a major breaking change with existing implementations, so I created issue to track this.

It will require updating the documentation and tests as well as the package.json. Can you update the tests and usage instructions?

niieani commented 8 years ago

Protractor 4.0 is now released, would be great to get compat for that.

rahulmr commented 7 years ago

No more peer dependencies after npm 3. I am closing this one as update with protractor, node npm version, this is resolved and no longer a problem.