Open Iris-Hinrichs opened 3 years ago
part of the problem may be that more than 300.000 deleted records published by the above mentioned data provider are not assigned to any set. The query, however, finds these deleted records and I assume that they internally slow down the iteration process.
Iteration with next() gets very slow when the OAIItemIterator is "empty" but StopIteration has not been raised yet. It takes several minutes.
from sickle import Sickle oai_end = '' sickle = Sickle(oai_end) records= sickle.ListRecords(**{'metadataPrefix':'oai_dc', 'set': 'query~cHJvamVjdDpsYWJlbDpEQU0gQU5EIGV2ZW50Om1ldGhvZDpGZXJyeUJveA', 'ignore_deleted':'True'}) entry = records(next) # records contains only one entry for the time being. This may change in future records(next)