I started logview with adb configured to binary v39. It started the adb server process apparently.The app has connected to device and started to retrieve logs from it. Then I started command-line adb binary v36 that caused server to restart. The logview app hanged.
jstack output is attached. Log output is quite short though:
2017-09-06 22:36:29,358 [main] INFO org.bitbucket.mlopatkin.android.logviewer.Main - Android Log Viewer 0.19-SNAPSHOT
2017-09-06 22:36:30,034 [Device List Monitor] WARN org.bitbucket.mlopatkin.android.liblogcat.ddmlib.AdbDataSource - This kind of log isn't supported by adb source: UNKNOWN
2017-09-06 22:47:38,268 [Device List Monitor] ERROR DDMLIB - DeviceMonitor: Adb connection Error:EOF
2017-09-06 22:47:38,287 [Device List Monitor] ERROR DDMLIB - DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 1
2017-09-06 22:47:39,289 [Device List Monitor] ERROR DDMLIB - DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 2
2017-09-06 22:47:40,389 [Device List Monitor] WARN org.bitbucket.mlopatkin.android.liblogcat.ddmlib.AdbDataSource - This kind of log isn't supported by adb source: UNKNOWN
Original report by me.
I started logview with adb configured to binary v39. It started the adb server process apparently.The app has connected to device and started to retrieve logs from it. Then I started command-line adb binary v36 that caused server to restart. The logview app hanged.
jstack output is attached. Log output is quite short though: