mlopatkin / andlogview

Tool for viewing application logs from Android devices.
Apache License 2.0
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Buffer change lines in log format confuse the parser #351

Closed mlopatkin closed 8 months ago

mlopatkin commented 8 months ago

Consider the following snippet:

[ 03-25 23:53:32.984  1009: 1304 D/EGL_emulation ]
app_time_stats: avg=407.34ms min=0.68ms max=10812.38ms count=27

--------- beginning of system
[ 03-25 23:53:32.984   555: 2344 I/ActivityTaskManager ]
START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 bnds=[843,268][1045,545]} from uid 10090

[ 03-25 23:53:32.985   555: 2344 W/ActivityTaskManager ]
... log continues ...

There are two entries at 03-25 23:53:32.984, but the parser confuses --------- beginning of system with the continuation of the first one and parses both as a single entry.