mloughran / em-hiredis

Eventmachine redis client
MIT License
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Em-hiredis doesn't appear to support unix domain sockets #21

Closed mcorner closed 11 years ago

mcorner commented 11 years ago

From the redis docs: "The typical latency of a 1 GBits/s network is about 200 us, while the latency with a Unix domain socket can be as low as 30 us. "

It doesn't appear that URI can handle such a thing as: redis:///tmp/redis.sock

Here is a super ugly, quick and dirty, monkey patch to support it in em-hiredis. I humbly apologize for all of its overwhelming ugliness.

require 'em-hiredis'

module EventMachine module Hiredis def self.setup(uri = nil) if uri =~ /^redis:\/\/\//^redis:\/\//)[1],nil,nil,nil) else url = URI(uri || ENV["REDIS_URL"] || "redis://"), url.port, url.password, url.path[1..-1]) end end end end { redis = EM::Hiredis.connect("redis:///tmp/redis.sock") }

You have to add this to your redis server's conf:

create a unix domain socket to listen on

unixsocket /tmp/redis.sock

set permissions for the socket

unixsocketperm 755

mloughran commented 11 years ago

If you clean this up I'm happy to accept a pull request :)

mloughran commented 11 years ago

Now supported in master

niko commented 6 years ago

How should the DB be selected when using a file socket? I found the "it's not possible to set the db or password - use initialize instead" part in the comments, but… which #initialize? And how?