mlr-org / mlr3

mlr3: Machine Learning in R - next generation
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
948 stars 85 forks source link

Tests pass [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 3 | PASS 13367 ], but test log has some errors like `ERROR [00:10:39.839] [mlr3] predict: Error from classif.debug->predict()` #1032

Closed barracuda156 closed 4 months ago

barracuda156 commented 5 months ago

All tests pass, apparently, but the log has some errors, is this okay?

R version 4.4.0 (2024-04-24) -- "Puppy Cup"
Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: powerpc-apple-darwin10.0.0d2 (32-bit)

> if (requireNamespace("testthat", quietly = TRUE)) {
+   library("checkmate")
+   library("testthat")
+   library("mlr3")
+   test_check("mlr3")
+ }
Loading required namespace: Matrix
ERROR [00:10:39.839] [mlr3] predict: Error from classif.debug->predict()
ERROR [00:11:42.954] [mlr3] train: Error from classif.debug->train()
ERROR [00:11:43.117] [mlr3] train: Error from classif.debug->train()
ERROR [00:11:43.223] [mlr3] train: Error from classif.debug->train()
ERROR [00:11:43.668] [mlr3] train: Error from classif.debug->train()
ERROR [00:11:43.827] [mlr3] train: Error from classif.debug->train()
ERROR [00:11:43.964] [mlr3] train: Error from classif.debug->train()
ERROR [00:11:44.609] [mlr3] train: Error from classif.debug->train()
ERROR [00:11:44.716] [mlr3] train: Error from classif.debug->train()
ERROR [00:11:44.861] [mlr3] train: Error from classif.debug->train()
WARN  [00:12:35.010] [mlr3] train: Warning from classif.debug->train()
ERROR [00:12:35.123] [mlr3] train: Error from classif.debug->train()
WARN  [00:12:35.252] [mlr3] predict: Warning from classif.debug->predict()
ERROR [00:12:35.389] [mlr3] predict: Error from classif.debug->predict()
WARN  [00:12:35.693] [mlr3] train: Warning from classif.debug->train()
WARN  [00:12:35.777] [mlr3] train: Warning from classif.debug->train()
WARN  [00:12:35.866] [mlr3] train: Warning from classif.debug->train()
WARN  [00:12:36.115] [mlr3] train: Warning from classif.debug->train()
ERROR [00:12:36.146] [mlr3] predict: Error from classif.debug->predict()
WARN  [00:12:36.204] [mlr3] train: Warning from classif.debug->train()
ERROR [00:12:36.270] [mlr3] predict: Error from classif.debug->predict()
WARN  [00:12:36.324] [mlr3] train: Warning from classif.debug->train()
ERROR [00:12:36.353] [mlr3] predict: Error from classif.debug->predict()
WARN  [00:12:36.864] [mlr3] train: Warning from classif.debug->train()
WARN  [00:12:36.947] [mlr3] train: Warning from classif.debug->train()
WARN  [00:12:37.032] [mlr3] train: Warning from classif.debug->train()
WARN  [00:12:37.413] [mlr3] train: Warning from classif.debug->train()
ERROR [00:12:37.443] [mlr3] predict: Error from classif.debug->predict()
WARN  [00:12:37.495] [mlr3] train: Warning from classif.debug->train()
ERROR [00:12:37.523] [mlr3] predict: Error from classif.debug->predict()
WARN  [00:12:37.576] [mlr3] train: Warning from classif.debug->train()
ERROR [00:12:37.603] [mlr3] predict: Error from classif.debug->predict()
ERROR [00:12:40.570] [mlr3] train: Error from classif.debug->train()
ERROR [00:12:40.988] [mlr3] predict: Error from classif.debug->predict()
ERROR [00:12:41.418] [mlr3] predict: Error from classif.debug->predict()
ERROR [00:12:41.540] [mlr3] predict: Error from classif.debug->predict()
ERROR [00:12:41.665] [mlr3] predict: Error from classif.debug->predict()
Superclass process has cloneable=FALSE, but subclass r_process has cloneable=TRUE. A subclass cannot be cloneable when its superclass is not cloneable, so cloning will be disabled for r_process.
Superclass process has cloneable=FALSE, but subclass r_process has cloneable=TRUE. A subclass cannot be cloneable when its superclass is not cloneable, so cloning will be disabled for r_process.
Superclass process has cloneable=FALSE, but subclass r_process has cloneable=TRUE. A subclass cannot be cloneable when its superclass is not cloneable, so cloning will be disabled for r_process.
Superclass process has cloneable=FALSE, but subclass r_process has cloneable=TRUE. A subclass cannot be cloneable when its superclass is not cloneable, so cloning will be disabled for r_process.
Superclass process has cloneable=FALSE, but subclass r_process has cloneable=TRUE. A subclass cannot be cloneable when its superclass is not cloneable, so cloning will be disabled for r_process.
Superclass process has cloneable=FALSE, but subclass r_process has cloneable=TRUE. A subclass cannot be cloneable when its superclass is not cloneable, so cloning will be disabled for r_process.
Superclass process has cloneable=FALSE, but subclass r_process has cloneable=TRUE. A subclass cannot be cloneable when its superclass is not cloneable, so cloning will be disabled for r_process.
Superclass process has cloneable=FALSE, but subclass r_process has cloneable=TRUE. A subclass cannot be cloneable when its superclass is not cloneable, so cloning will be disabled for r_process.
Superclass process has cloneable=FALSE, but subclass r_process has cloneable=TRUE. A subclass cannot be cloneable when its superclass is not cloneable, so cloning will be disabled for r_process.
ERROR [00:15:11.618] [mlr3] train: Error from classif.debug->train()
[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 3 | PASS 13367 ]

══ Skipped tests (3) ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
• On CRAN (1): 'test_Measure.R:128:3'
• On Mac (1): 'test_parallel.R:90:3'
• distr6 cannot be loaded (1): 'test_PredictionRegr.R:54:3'

[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 3 | PASS 13367 ]
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
331.047  35.358 400.893 
be-marc commented 4 months ago

Hey, the error messages are triggered intentionally in the tests. But I deactivated the printing now. Thanks for reporting.