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Error in benchmark_grid A Resampling is instantiated for a task with a different number of observations #973

Closed MislavSag closed 10 months ago

MislavSag commented 10 months ago

Hi mlr3 team,

After I gave upgraded all my mlr3 packages, I started getting error after calling benchmark function on my desing. That's didn't happened before.

Here is the log after I start benchmark:

INFO  [15:14:51.008] [mlr3] Running benchmark with 11 resampling iterations
INFO  [15:14:51.080] [mlr3] Applying learner 'subsample.dropnacol.dropna.removeconstants_1.fixfactors.winsorizesimple.removeconstants_2.dropcorr.scale_branch.uniformization.scale.scale_unbranch.dropna_v2.nop_union_pca.pca.ica.featureunion.filter_branch.jmi.relief.gausscov_f1st.filter_unbranch.interaction_branch.nop_interaction.modelmatrix.interaction_unbranch.removeconstants_3.regr.ranger.tuned' on task 'taskRetWeek' (iter 1/1)
INFO  [15:14:52.620] [bbotk] Starting to optimize 11 parameter(s) with '<OptimizerHyperband>' and '<TerminatorNone>'
INFO  [15:14:53.217] [bbotk] Evaluating 1 configuration(s)
INFO  [15:14:53.230] [mlr3] Applying learner 'subsample.dropnacol.dropna.removeconstants_1.fixfactors.winsorizesimple.removeconstants_2.dropcorr.scale_branch.uniformization.scale.scale_unbranch.dropna_v2.nop_union_pca.pca.ica.featureunion.filter_branch.jmi.relief.gausscov_f1st.filter_unbranch.interaction_branch.nop_interaction.modelmatrix.interaction_unbranch.removeconstants_3.regr.xgboost.tuned' on task 'taskRetWeek' (iter 1/1)
INFO  [15:14:53.961] [bbotk] Starting to optimize 12 parameter(s) with '<OptimizerHyperband>' and '<TerminatorNone>'
INFO  [15:14:54.093] [bbotk] Evaluating 1 configuration(s)
INFO  [15:14:54.106] [mlr3] Applying learner 'subsample.dropnacol.dropna.removeconstants_1.fixfactors.winsorizesimple.removeconstants_2.dropcorr.scale_branch.uniformization.scale.scale_unbranch.dropna_v2.nop_union_pca.pca.ica.featureunion.filter_branch.jmi.relief.gausscov_f1st.filter_unbranch.regr.lightgbm.tuned' on task 'taskRetWeek' (iter 1/1)
INFO  [15:14:54.693] [bbotk] Starting to optimize 9 parameter(s) with '<OptimizerHyperband>' and '<TerminatorNone>'
INFO  [15:14:54.734] [bbotk] Evaluating 1 configuration(s)
INFO  [15:14:54.745] [mlr3] Applying learner 'subsample.dropnacol.dropna.removeconstants_1.fixfactors.winsorizesimple.removeconstants_2.dropcorr.scale_branch.uniformization.scale.scale_unbranch.dropna_v2.nop_union_pca.pca.ica.featureunion.filter_branch.jmi.relief.gausscov_f1st.filter_unbranch.interaction_branch.nop_interaction.modelmatrix.interaction_unbranch.removeconstants_3.regr.nnet.tuned' on task 'taskRetWeek' (iter 1/1)
INFO  [15:14:55.180] [bbotk] Starting to optimize 10 parameter(s) with '<OptimizerHyperband>' and '<TerminatorNone>'
INFO  [15:14:55.231] [bbotk] Evaluating 1 configuration(s)
INFO  [15:14:55.248] [mlr3] Applying learner '' on task 'taskRetWeek' (iter 1/1)
INFO  [15:14:55.896] [bbotk] Starting to optimize 8 parameter(s) with '<OptimizerHyperband>' and '<TerminatorNone>'
INFO  [15:14:55.938] [bbotk] Evaluating 1 configuration(s)
INFO  [15:14:55.951] [mlr3] Applying learner 'subsample.dropnacol.dropna.removeconstants_1.fixfactors.winsorizesimple.removeconstants_2.dropcorr.scale_branch.uniformization.scale.scale_unbranch.dropna_v2.nop_union_pca.pca.ica.featureunion.filter_branch.jmi.relief.gausscov_f1st.filter_unbranch.interaction_branch.nop_interaction.modelmatrix.interaction_unbranch.removeconstants_3.regr.kknn.tuned' on task 'taskRetWeek' (iter 1/1)
INFO  [15:14:56.376] [bbotk] Starting to optimize 10 parameter(s) with '<OptimizerHyperband>' and '<TerminatorNone>'
INFO  [15:14:56.424] [bbotk] Evaluating 1 configuration(s)
INFO  [15:14:56.435] [mlr3] Applying learner 'subsample.dropnacol.dropna.removeconstants_1.fixfactors.winsorizesimple.removeconstants_2.dropcorr.scale_branch.uniformization.scale.scale_unbranch.dropna_v2.nop_union_pca.pca.ica.featureunion.filter_branch.jmi.relief.gausscov_f1st.filter_unbranch.interaction_branch.nop_interaction.modelmatrix.interaction_unbranch.removeconstants_3.regr.gbm.tuned' on task 'taskRetWeek' (iter 1/1)
INFO  [15:14:57.012] [bbotk] Starting to optimize 11 parameter(s) with '<OptimizerHyperband>' and '<TerminatorNone>'
INFO  [15:14:57.063] [bbotk] Evaluating 1 configuration(s)
INFO  [15:14:57.074] [mlr3] Applying learner 'subsample.dropnacol.dropna.removeconstants_1.fixfactors.winsorizesimple.removeconstants_2.dropcorr.scale_branch.uniformization.scale.scale_unbranch.dropna_v2.nop_union_pca.pca.ica.featureunion.filter_branch.jmi.relief.gausscov_f1st.filter_unbranch.regr.rsm.tuned' on task 'taskRetWeek' (iter 1/1)
INFO  [15:14:57.487] [bbotk] Starting to optimize 7 parameter(s) with '<OptimizerHyperband>' and '<TerminatorNone>'
INFO  [15:14:57.523] [bbotk] Evaluating 1 configuration(s)
INFO  [15:14:57.534] [mlr3] Applying learner 'subsample.dropnacol.dropna.removeconstants_1.fixfactors.winsorizesimple.removeconstants_2.dropcorr.scale_branch.uniformization.scale.scale_unbranch.dropna_v2.nop_union_pca.pca.ica.featureunion.filter_branch.jmi.relief.gausscov_f1st.filter_unbranch.regr.bart.tuned' on task 'taskRetWeek' (iter 1/1)
INFO  [15:14:57.996] [bbotk] Starting to optimize 9 parameter(s) with '<OptimizerHyperband>' and '<TerminatorNone>'
INFO  [15:14:58.038] [bbotk] Evaluating 1 configuration(s)
INFO  [15:14:58.049] [mlr3] Applying learner 'subsample.dropnacol.dropna.removeconstants_1.fixfactors.winsorizesimple.removeconstants_2.dropcorr.scale_branch.uniformization.scale.scale_unbranch.dropna_v2.nop_union_pca.pca.ica.featureunion.filter_branch.jmi.relief.gausscov_f1st.filter_unbranch.interaction_branch.nop_interaction.modelmatrix.interaction_unbranch.removeconstants_3.regr.catboost.tuned' on task 'taskRetWeek' (iter 1/1)
INFO  [15:15:00.355] [bbotk] Starting to optimize 11 parameter(s) with '<OptimizerHyperband>' and '<TerminatorNone>'
INFO  [15:15:00.412] [bbotk] Evaluating 1 configuration(s)
INFO  [15:15:00.424] [mlr3] Applying learner 'subsample.dropnacol.dropna.removeconstants_1.fixfactors.winsorizesimple.removeconstants_2.dropcorr.scale_branch.uniformization.scale.scale_unbranch.dropna_v2.nop_union_pca.pca.ica.featureunion.filter_branch.jmi.relief.gausscov_f1st.filter_unbranch.interaction_branch.nop_interaction.modelmatrix.interaction_unbranch.removeconstants_3.regr.glmnet.tuned' on task 'taskRetWeek' (iter 1/1)
INFO  [15:15:01.036] [bbotk] Starting to optimize 9 parameter(s) with '<OptimizerHyperband>' and '<TerminatorNone>'
INFO  [15:15:01.077] [bbotk] Evaluating 1 configuration(s)
Error in benchmark_grid(self$task, self$learner, resampling, param_values = list(xss)) :
A Resampling is instantiated for a task with a different number of observations

I didn't get this error before. I am using custom resampling folds. My code is pretty big and can be found here:

If you can't guess what is the cause of error, I can try to create smaller reprex from my dataset nad make code cleaner.

be-marc commented 10 months ago

Looks like a bug. A smaller example would help a lot!

MislavSag commented 10 months ago

Here is reprex:


# IMPORT DATA -------------------------------------------------------------
# import sample data
DT = fread("")

# define predictors
cols_features = colnames(DT)[13:(length(colnames(DT))-1)]

# TASKS -------------------------------------------------------------------
# id coluns we always keep
id_cols = c("symbol", "date", "yearmonthid")

# convert date to PosixCt because it is requireed by mlr3
DT[, date := as.POSIXct(date, tz = "UTC")]

# task with future week returns as target
target_ = colnames(DT)[grep("^ret.*xcess.*tand.*5", colnames(DT))]
cols_ = c(id_cols, target_, cols_features)
task_ret_week <- as_task_regr(DT[, ..cols_],
                              id = "taskRetWeek",
                              target = target_)

# set roles for symbol, date and yearmonth_id
task_ret_week$col_roles$feature = setdiff(task_ret_week$col_roles$feature,

# CROSS VALIDATIONS -------------------------------------------------------
# utils
monnb <- function(d) {
  lt <- as.POSIXlt(as.Date(d, origin="1900-01-01"))
  lt$year*12 + lt$mon }
mondf <- function(d1, d2) { monnb(d2) - monnb(d1) }

# create train, tune and test set
nested_cv_split = function(task,
                           train_length = 12,
                           tune_length = 1,
                           test_length = 1,
                           gap_tune = 3,
                           gap_test = 3,
                           id = task$id) {

  # get year month id data
  # task = task_ret_week$clone()
  task_ = task$clone()
  yearmonthid_ = task_$backend$data(cols = c("yearmonthid", "..row_id"),
                                    rows = 1:task_$nrow)
  stopifnot(all(task_$row_ids == yearmonthid_$`..row_id`))
  groups_v = yearmonthid_[, unlist(unique(yearmonthid))]

  # create cusom CV's for inner and outer sampling
  custom_inner = rsmp("custom", id = task$id)
  custom_outer = rsmp("custom", id = task$id)

  # util vars
  start_folds = 1:(length(groups_v)-train_length-tune_length-test_length-gap_test-gap_tune)
  get_row_ids = function(mid) unlist(yearmonthid_[yearmonthid %in% mid, 2], use.names = FALSE)

  # create train data
  train_groups <- lapply(start_folds,
                         function(x) groups_v[x:(x+train_length-1)])
  train_sets <- lapply(train_groups, get_row_ids)

  # create tune set
  tune_groups <- lapply(start_folds,
                        function(x) groups_v[(x+train_length+gap_tune):(x+train_length+gap_tune+tune_length-1)])
  tune_sets <- lapply(tune_groups, get_row_ids)

  # test train and tune
  test_1 = vapply(seq_along(train_groups), function(i) {
      tail(as.Date(train_groups[[i]], origin = "1970-01-01"), 1),
      head(as.Date(tune_groups[[i]], origin = "1970-01-01"), 1)
  }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L))
  stopifnot(all(test_1 == (1+gap_tune)))
  # test_2 = vapply(seq_along(train_groups), function(i) {
  #   unlist(head(tune_sets[[i]], 1) - tail(train_sets[[i]], 1))
  # }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L))
  # stopifnot(all(test_2 > ))

  # create test sets
  insample_length = train_length + gap_tune + tune_length + gap_test
  test_groups <- lapply(start_folds,
                        function(x) groups_v[(x+insample_length):(x+insample_length+test_length-1)])
  test_sets <- lapply(test_groups, get_row_ids)

  # test tune and test
  test_3 = vapply(seq_along(train_groups), function(i) {
      tail(as.Date(tune_groups[[i]], origin = "1970-01-01"), 1),
      head(as.Date(test_groups[[i]], origin = "1970-01-01"), 1)
  }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L))
  stopifnot(all(test_1 == 1 + gap_test))
  # test_4 = vapply(seq_along(train_groups), function(i) {
  #   unlist(head(test_sets[[i]], 1) - tail(tune_sets[[i]], 1))
  # }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L))
  # stopifnot(all(test_2 == 1))

  # test
  # as.Date(train_groups[[2]])
  # as.Date(tune_groups[[2]])
  # as.Date(test_groups[[2]])

  # create inner and outer resamplings
  custom_inner$instantiate(task, train_sets, tune_sets)
  inner_sets = lapply(seq_along(train_groups), function(i) {
    c(train_sets[[i]], tune_sets[[i]])
  custom_outer$instantiate(task, inner_sets, test_sets)
  return(list(custom_inner = custom_inner, custom_outer = custom_outer))
custom_cvs = list()
custom_cvs[[1]] = nested_cv_split(task_ret_week, 24, 3, 1, 1, 1)

# LEARNER ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ranger
graph = po("subsample") %>>%
  po("pca", rank. = 5) %>>%
  po("learner", learner = lrn("regr.ranger"))
graph_rf = as_learner(graph)
search_space_rf = ps(
  subsample.frac = p_dbl(0.3, 1, tags = "budget"), # unccoment this if we want to use hyperband optimization
  regr.ranger.max.depth = p_int(2, 20),
  regr.ranger.mtry.ratio = p_dbl(0.1, 1)

# xgboost
graph = po("subsample") %>>%
  po("pca", rank. = 5) %>>%
  po("learner", learner = lrn("regr.xgboost"))
graph_xgb = as_learner(graph)
search_space_xgb = ps(
  subsample.frac = p_dbl(0.3, 1, tags = "budget"), # unccoment this if we want to use hyperband optimization
  regr.xgboost.alpha     = p_dbl(0.001, 100, logscale = TRUE),
  regr.xgboost.max_depth = p_int(1, 20)

# DESIGNS -----------------------------------------------------------------
designs_l = lapply(custom_cvs, function(cv_) {
  # debug
  # cv_ = custom_cvs[[1]]

  # get cv inner object
  cv_inner = cv_$custom_inner
  cv_outer = cv_$custom_outer
  cat("Number of iterations fo cv inner is ", cv_inner$iters, "\n")

  designs_cv_l = lapply(1:cv_inner$iters, function(i) { # 1:cv_inner$iters
    # debug
    # i = 1

    # choose task_
    if (cv_inner$id == "taskRetWeek") {
      task_ = task_ret_week$clone()
    } else if (cv_inner$id == "taskRetMonth") {
      task_ = task_ret_month$clone()
    } else if (cv_inner$id == "taskRetMonth2") {
      task_ = task_ret_month2$clone()
    } else if (cv_inner$id == "taskRetQuarter") {
      task_ = task_ret_quarter$clone()

    # inner resampling
    custom_ = rsmp("custom")
    custom_$id = paste0("custom_", cv_inner$iters, "_", i)

    # objects for all autotuners
    measure_ = msr("regr.mse")
    tuner_   = tnr("hyperband", eta = 4)

    # auto tuner rf
    at_rf = auto_tuner(
      tuner = tuner_,
      learner = graph_rf,
      resampling = custom_,
      measure = measure_,
      search_space = search_space_rf,
      terminator = trm("none")

    # auto tuner xgboost
    at_xgb = auto_tuner(
      tuner = tuner_,
      learner = graph_xgb,
      resampling = custom_,
      measure = measure_,
      search_space = search_space_xgb,
      terminator = trm("none")

    # outer resampling
    customo_ = rsmp("custom")
    customo_$id = paste0("custom_", cv_inner$iters, "_", i)
    customo_$instantiate(task_, list(cv_outer$train_set(i)), list(cv_outer$test_set(i)))

    # nested CV for one round
    design = benchmark_grid(
      tasks = task_,
      learners = list(at_rf, at_xgb),
      resamplings = customo_
  designs_cv =, designs_cv_l)
designs =, designs_l)

# benchmark
bmr = benchmark(designs[1:2], store_models = FALSE, store_backends = FALSE)
be-marc commented 10 months ago

In the inner loop benchmark_grid checks if the number of rows in the task is equal to the number of rows of the task when the resampling was instantiated. You instantiate the inner resampling on the complete task but the task in the inner loop is already subset to the train set of the outer resampling, hence the error. This was not checked in the previous mlr3tuning version. We might need to change this. For now, you can add these two lines of code to your example.

    # choose task_
    if (cv_inner$id == "taskRetWeek") {
      task_ = task_ret_week$clone()
    } else if (cv_inner$id == "taskRetMonth") {
      task_ = task_ret_month$clone()
    } else if (cv_inner$id == "taskRetMonth2") {
      task_ = task_ret_month2$clone()
    } else if (cv_inner$id == "taskRetQuarter") {
      task_ = task_ret_quarter$clone()

    task_inner = task_ret_week$clone()
    task_inner$filter(c(cv_inner$train_set(i), cv_inner$test_set(i)))

    # inner resampling
    custom_ = rsmp("custom")
    custom_$id = paste0("custom_", cv_inner$iters, "_", i)
MislavSag commented 10 months ago

It works with your code changes. I am not sure I understand why it checks tasks are the same. but it works.