I have upgraded all mlr3 packages, including mlr3batchmark.
Now I am getting the error I didn't get before.
Ther error is:
### [bt]: Generating problem instance for problem '8a7d4bb8e5156165' ...
### [bt]: Applying algorithm 'run_learner' on problem '8a7d4bb8e5156165' for job 3 (seed = 4) ...
INFO [09:41:37.721] [mlr3] Applying learner 'subsample.dropnacol.dropna.removeconstants_1.fixfactors.winsorizesimple.removeconstants_2.dropcorr.scale_branch.uniformization.scale.scale_unbranch.dropna_v2.nop_union_pca.pca.ica.featureunion.filter_branch.jmi.relief.gausscov_f1st.filter_unbranch.regr.lightgbm.tuned' on task 'taskRetWeek' (iter 1/1)
INFO [09:41:40.017] [bbotk] Starting to optimize 9 parameter(s) with '<OptimizerHyperband>' and '<TerminatorNone>'
INFO [09:41:40.128] [bbotk] Evaluating 1 configuration(s)
Error in benchmark_grid(self$task, self$learner, resampling, param_values = list(xss)) :
A Resampling is instantiated for a task with a different number of observations
40: (function (e)
39: stop("A Resampling is instantiated for a task with a different number of observations")
38: benchmark_grid(self$task, self$learner, resampling, param_values = list(xss))
37: .__ObjectiveTuning__.eval_many(self = self, private = private,
super = super, xss = xss, resampling = resampling)
36: private$.eval_many(xss, resampling = list(<environment>))
35: eval(expr, p)
34: eval(expr, p)
33: eval.parent(expr, n = 1L)
32: invoke(private$.eval_many, xss, .args = self$constants$values)
31: .__Objective__eval_many(self = self, private = private, super = super,
xss = xss)
30: self$objective$eval_many(xss_trafoed)
29: .__OptimInstance__eval_batch(self = self, private = private,
super = super, xdt = xdt)
28: inst$eval_batch(xdt)
27: private$.optimize(inst)
26: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
25: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
24: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
23: tryCatch({
}, terminated_error = function(cond) {
22: optimize_default(inst, self, private)
21: .__Optimizer__optimize(self = self, private = private, super = super,
inst = inst)
20: private$.optimizer$optimize(inst)
19: .__TunerFromOptimizer__optimize(self = self, private = private,
super = super, inst = inst)
18: self$tuner$optimize(instance)
17: .__AutoTuner__.train(self = self, private = private, super = super,
task = task)
16: get_private(learner)$.train(task)
15: .f(learner = <environment>, task = <environment>)
14: eval(expr, p)
13: eval(expr, p)
12: eval.parent(expr, n = 1L)
11: invoke(.f, .args = .args, .opts = .opts, .seed = .seed, .timeout = .timeout)
10: encapsulate(learner$encapsulate["train"], .f = train_wrapper,
.args = list(learner = learner, task = task), .pkgs = learner$packages,
.seed = NA_integer_, .timeout = learner$timeout["train"])
9: learner_train(learner, task, sets[["train"]], sets[["test"]],
mode = mode)
8: workhorse(iteration = job$repl, task = data, learner = learner,
resampling = resampling, store_models = store_models, lgr_threshold = lgr::get_logger("mlr3")$threshold)
7: job$algorithm$fun(job = job, data = job$problem$data, instance = instance,
6: (function (...)
job$algorithm$fun(job = job, data = job$problem$data, instance = instance,
...))(learner_hash = "b18020b11dad6832", learner_id = "subsample.dropnacol.dropna.removeconstants_1.fixfactors.winsorizesimple.removeconstants_2.dropcorr.scale_branch.uniformization.scale.scale_unbranch.dropna_v2.nop_union_pca.pca.ica.featureunion.filter_branch.jmi.relief.gausscov_f1st.filter_unbranch.regr.lightgbm.tuned",
store_models = FALSE)
5: do.call(wrapper, job$algo.pars, envir = .GlobalEnv)
4: with_preserve_seed({
set_seed(list(seed = seed, rng_kind = rng_kind))
3: with_seed(job$seed, do.call(wrapper, job$algo.pars, envir = .GlobalEnv))
2: execJob.Experiment(job)
1: execJob(job)
It's hard to me to reproduce since there are lots of steps I am doing before getting to execJob(job) which produces an error. Additonaly, I had to to use only parts of mlr3batchmark package because it didn't work as is before.
I first prepare data, learners and resamplings with:
# create registry
print("Create registry")
packages = c("data.table", "gausscov", "paradox", "mlr3", "mlr3pipelines",
"mlr3tuning", "mlr3misc", "future", "future.apply",
"mlr3extralearners", "stats")
reg = makeExperimentRegistry(file.dir = dirname_, seed = 1, packages = packages)
# populate registry with problems and algorithms to form the jobs
batchmark(designs, reg = reg)
# save registry
print("Save registry")
saveRegistry(reg = reg)
I have upgraded all mlr3 packages, including mlr3batchmark.
Now I am getting the error I didn't get before.
Ther error is:
It's hard to me to reproduce since there are lots of steps I am doing before getting to
which produces an error. Additonaly, I had to to use only parts of mlr3batchmark package because it didn't work as is before.I first prepare data, learners and resamplings with:
and than call the script
I can send exmaple data from expriments-test if needed.
I am not sure, but it seems to me number of elements in exports folder was the same as number of designs. Now, this is not the case.