Open Norlock opened 6 months ago
Is there a way I can maybe create a new Lua context from inside the app? I would like to be able to generate one
You can try Lua::init_from_ptr(raw_state)
which will return previously initialized state.
If this will not help, could you explain the issue more detailed? Eg. what lock you have and how you use it.
Yes but where do I get the raw_state? I will try to explain my issue (for a shared library):
I have made bindings for Neovim in the neo-api-rs repository, I'm currently building a fuzzy finder.
In the code there is a text changed event for Neovim that will be called whenever the text changes.
On that event I retrieve the text:
let search_query = NeoApi::get_current_line(lua)?;
And then I want to spawn a task asynchronously that will run the 'fd' and 'ripgrep' processes from rust. It can take in some cases around 120~ ms. For performance reasons I don't want to block the whole Lua thread so I will not block that task (which means no more access to the lua object).
I store the results of those processes in a lazy static object from once_cell, where I can retrieve that data later.
static CONTAINER: Lazy<FuzzyContainer> = Lazy::new(|| FuzzyContainer {
all_lines: RwLock::new(String::new()),
cached_lines: RwLock::new(vec![]),
fuzzy: RwLock::new(None),
rt: tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap(),
query_meta: RwLock::new(QueryMeta {
update_results: false,
last_search: "".to_string(),
preview: RwLock::new(Vec::new()),
Then I have created an interval from the buildin neovim api (bindings to libUv . In that interval:
I have now the try_lock
functionality which is better anyway for an interval. However if I would change that to await
, and type quickly it can eventually create the: Can't leave the thread C boundary
error. Or it would deadlock.
So basically try_lock is the correct way of doing it in an interval, but I would like to know is there a way if I leave the lua context (the part where I will run 'fd' and 'ripgrep'), I can get back into the Lua context? To update some stuff inside my plugin.
Then I can ditch the interval all together and run that specific code after the processes have ran. I hope this makes it a bit more clear.
If your last answer is still correct, where do i retrieve the lua_state (raw_state) pointer:
You can make a Rust async call (function created using Lua::create_async_function
) directly from neovim without blocking it. You need to have a (global) tokio runtime that you can enter inside async func:
static TOKIO: Lazy<runtime::Runtime> = Lazy::new(|| {
.expect("cannot start tokio runtime")
let my_func = lua.create_async_function(lua, |lua, args| async move {
let _guard = TOKIO.enter();
<async code>
Then you can poll the function through coroutine checking for Lua::poll_pending()
When polling you can return control back to neovim / libuv scheduler.
It would be better and safer approach.
Take a look to for some early stage ideas / examples. Now I probably would try to incorporate some event listener to signal eventloop that execution is finished.
Hey thanks for the help, the comments there look a bit more indirect / verbose than what I have now, currently I don't really have problems but I will dive a bit deeper into those concepts (lua coroutine etc) this weekend, and see if it can improve my code a bit.
Something else, I have some simple macros (I don't think they are production ready yet) to implement IntoLua and FromLua on rust structs, maybe they can be interesting for your project. I will slowly improve them a over time but in a lot of use cases they work already.
I'm working on the following project:
But every time i try to acquire a lock it will crash it some error about thread boundary. Is there a way I can maybe create a new Lua context from inside the app? I would like to be able to generate one:
I don't know if this possible to make in code, but it would be great if it is. If you have any good suggestion on how to deal with async safely I would like to know. For now I'm basically fixing my issues by having an interval run with
. See: up the good work