mludvig / aws-ethereum-miner

CloudFormation template for mining Ethereum crypto currency on AWS
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About g4ad AMD GPU's #26

Closed Shubuo closed 2 years ago

Shubuo commented 2 years ago

Has anyone tried it and got it working? I tried to run the machine with the previous methods, but I was not successful with NBMiner and T-rex miners, I get the "no GPU detected" problem, I think the problem is caused by CUDA, still couldn't find a solution.
I suppose that it will be more cost efficient but also curious about how much return they will provide. Do you have any experience about that new GPU instances ?

mludvig commented 2 years ago

Duplicate of #25

The trouble is that Radeons need a completely different software stack - both the OS drivers and the miner, since they are not CUDA compatible. I tried to make it work some time ago and didn't quite succeed. One day I may have a look at it again.

jxu commented 2 years ago

Is this instance type working now given that it's in I got error "No OpenCL platforms found" with ethminer 0.19.0 on Deep Learning AMI (Ubuntu 18.04) Version 54.0 - ami-0476bba883df7cca6.

Seems to be an issue with AMD drivers - openCL is not installed by default reported by clinfo

mludvig commented 2 years ago

@jxu I don't use Deep Learning AMI - it's too big (100GB) and that storage cost adds up when you run a lot of miners. Best to use the template provided, it's a verified and optimised combination of lightweight AMI and a compatible ethminer.

jxu commented 2 years ago

Thanks for letting me know. I got your templates working and managed to burn through some leftover AWS credits. The only issue now is that with ethermine pool, the payout gas fees on mainnet are very high and otherwise the payout is on Layer 2 Polygon network as wETH. But that has nothing to do with your excellent templates.

mludvig commented 2 years ago

Yeah I know that's quite annoying. I've got my gas price limit on ethermine set to 100 and although it sometimes takes a few hours for the payout to get processed it usually costs me only around $5. The last night payout cost was $4.86 according to etherscan, that's acceptable IMO.

jxu commented 2 years ago

Yes, gas prices have come down (it was like at 160 gwei before due to the stupid sunflower game). I chose to put my wETH on Polygon but now it'll have to be bridged across to mainnet if I want it there.

Do you have an article on bridging? The ones I know of are Hop, Polygon, and now Umbria. Umbria promises a fee of only 0.0037 eth to bridge but I have not tested them yet (also idk if I require tokens in any other currency).

mludvig commented 2 years ago

I have don't have much in WETH and what I have I use for playing with DeFi. For example deposited some WETH on AAVE to earn a bit of interest and some MATIC on top. Just be careful out there, DeFi is a wild west...

jxu commented 2 years ago

Do you use the same address for weth? I can tip you for the nice blog posts you've made :) (depending on how much transfer fees within Polygon are)

mludvig commented 2 years ago

Yes the same one 0x99b... that's in the README - you kinda have to use the same because with ethermine you mine to an address and only then choose if you want a payout over mainnet or over polygon, and can switch between them, so the addr is the same in both cases.

jxu commented 2 years ago

Ok. To send within Polygon, it requires MATIC, but it also requires MATIC to swap wETH for MATIC... I think the process of adding MATIC itself requires an exchange on mainnet so it's expensive? There's also apparently MATIC faucets ( doesn't work rn?) that just give away a little for free? You're right, this stuff is insane. I have to go by word of mouth on what is legit or not.

Sorry for cluttering this issue page. Maybe this discussion can be moved somewhere (I think github has discussions feature now.)

Edit: I was able to get MATIC into MetaMask by using, swap for gas token without needing any MATIC to begin with.

mludvig commented 2 years ago

Yeah it’s a chicken and egg problem. I used a faucet the first time I started with Polygon, it gave me a few cents worth of Matic to start with for free.

mludvig commented 2 years ago

@jxu Thanks for the tip, much appreciated :)

jxu commented 2 years ago

You're welcome. Tho eth has dropped in value a lot due to network congestion and high gas fees, so maybe the few tokens I sent will be worth less and less in the near future