mludvig / aws-ethereum-miner

CloudFormation template for mining Ethereum crypto currency on AWS
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Specify worker names in ethminer #29

Closed jxu closed 2 years ago

jxu commented 2 years ago

For ethminer I noticed you can specify worker names using a format like 0x123456789012345678901234567890.Worker.

Idk if in cloud template you can get instance id or some kind of worker index. I guess you could just a random number for each worker so it'll show up in pools dashboards like ethermine.

mludvig commented 2 years ago

You can include the dot-suffix in the stack params if you want. I often use the region name and / or the account name as the worker name to know where I’m mining and where are problems.

jxu commented 2 years ago

Which parameter? EthWallet?

mludvig commented 2 years ago

Yes. Make EthWallet e.g. 0x1234…89.use2-acct99 for us-east-2 in account99.

jxu commented 2 years ago

Then every instance takes the same name right? My idea is that every instance get its own worker name. That is only for tracking pool-reported worker hashrates.