mludvig / aws-ethereum-miner

CloudFormation template for mining Ethereum crypto currency on AWS
267 stars 152 forks source link

issue Rollback_Complete #54

Closed Gurucharan closed 2 years ago

Gurucharan commented 2 years ago


I have followed the steps as per in the file. But got the following error ROLLBACK_COMPLETE

mludvig commented 2 years ago

Find the resource that returned a status CREATE_FAILED in the CloudFormation “Events” tab and see what it says. If you can’t figure it out post a screenshot of that line and also report what region your’re in. Also any non-default parameters that you used. We’ll try to help.

Gurucharan commented 2 years ago

Yeah sure some way I got the event tab kindly refer it helps you[ Screenshot_2022-06-01_14_48_13 ]

mludvig commented 2 years ago

Did you use the template-eth-default-vpc.yml or the …-custom-vpc.yml? Looks like the custom one. Try the default one, it should work.

Gurucharan commented 2 years ago

fine sir I will check & let you acknowlege

Gurucharan commented 2 years ago

somehow directed and running without any error sir.. now did I wait for fifteen minutes all well

Gurucharan commented 2 years ago

does I need to pay for aws sir? currently looking for free tier only

mludvig commented 2 years ago

The GPU instances that are needed for mining are not covered by the free tier. However if it’s a new account the most likely you don’t have the GPU instances enabled anyway (aka “service limits”) so you won’t pay anything because nothing will start until you increase the limits.

I suggest you read my articles linked from the readme file for more info.

mludvig commented 2 years ago

You can also check out my newest post on this topic, it contains some important updates:

Gurucharan commented 2 years ago

Yep sir! after a long time that means one night the instance has been running but dashboard does not show any active workers how to debug the problem.....

mludvig commented 2 years ago

Is the instance really running? Go to the EC2 dashboard -> Instances and take a screenshot and post it here. Also go to EC2 -> Autoscaling groups -> ethminer -> Instances and post it here. And while you're there go to the Activity tab in the Autoscaling group and check what it says.

Gurucharan commented 2 years ago

Screenshot_2022-06-02_08_18_34 Screenshot_2022-06-02_08_20_57

If you ref here

it says

bogar-solution-NotificationTopic-1BTPTIT6PQXBT Launch, Terminate, Fail to launch, Fail to terminate

other details needed?

mludvig commented 2 years ago

Are you crazy?! Never post any login details to GitHub tickets or to any public forum for that matter!! Now go and change your password as soon as you can before someone takes over your account if they already haven't.

mludvig commented 2 years ago

With regards to the instances screenshot - these are not mining instances, you can't mine on t2.micro or m1.small. And the ASG shows that there are 0 instances running. Presumably you don't have high enough limits to run them.

To check it:

  1. Open AWS CloudShell (search for it in the list of services)
  2. Once the prompt appears do: wget
  3. And then sh

If it comes up with all zeros then you don't have the quotas for G and P instances high enough and have to request an increase. See my medium post for how to do it.

Gurucharan commented 2 years ago

Are you crazy?! Never post any login details to GitHub tickets or to any public forum for that matter!! Now go and change your password as soon as you can before someone takes over your account if they already haven't.

change done sir

Gurucharan commented 2 years ago

3. sh

as per you said all show zeros sir

Gurucharan commented 2 years ago

Al is wel

what can I do in my case sir every one is zero refered the medium article as wel

Gurucharan commented 2 years ago

sir are yu thr my prb solutn

mludvig commented 2 years ago
  1. You must apply to increase service quotas. It’s described in my medium post.
  2. Use full sentences and full words. Ie write like a human.
Gurucharan commented 2 years ago

basically it my mistake sir I will follow your words bye!

Gurucharan commented 2 years ago

sir basically how much can get for 10 dollars I have 10 dollars can you guide me

mludvig commented 2 years ago

You want to spend $10 on AWS and mine some ETH? Well if you're lucky you may get $2 worth of ETH. If you let it run for a bit longer you may overrun the budget and end up negative. No, really, forget it. Unless you've got access to a free AWS account you won't make any money with $10. It's better to buy ETH with your $10 directly.

Gurucharan commented 2 years ago

aws applied for free credit let you get informed thank you sir

Gurucharan commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately free credit has been disqualified by amazon team sir. what are the other option can you give an advice on mining cryptocurrency on cloud sir?

mludvig commented 2 years ago

Sure I can give you an advice: don't.

If you don't have free credits you'll only lose money. It's more cost efficient to buy ETH outright.

Gurucharan commented 2 years ago

To be frank I got credit of 2L for Microsoft Azure and 75K for google cloud platform (GCP). As it is usable for mining?

mludvig commented 2 years ago

I was going to figure out how to mine on GCP but I don’t have free account or credits. If you give me access to yours I can try. It may have to be a different coin than ETH, perhaps a CPU mineable one. Depends if you’ve got access to GPUs on GCP.

Gurucharan commented 2 years ago 16: jq: not found

sir what will be the problem

mludvig commented 2 years ago

Run: sudo apt update && sudo apt install jq

Gurucharan commented 2 years ago

sir please reply my email