adding new entry "cn=yubikey,cn=schema,cn=config"
ldap_add: Object class violation (65)
additional info: unknown object class "olcSchemaConfig"
Have I used the import command wrong or is something a miss? Please bear in mind I am fairly new to LDAP and FreeIPA and I am currently attempting to learn and I am aiming to build a OTP set-up.
Hi there I am trying to import the schema into FreeIPA version 4.4.0 running on Centos7
At present when I run the important command I get the following.
ldapadd -W -x -D uid=admin,cn=users,cn=compat,dc=tester,dc=com -f yubikey.ldif
The above command then gives me this
Have I used the import command wrong or is something a miss? Please bear in mind I am fairly new to LDAP and FreeIPA and I am currently attempting to learn and I am aiming to build a OTP set-up.