mlutfy / hosting_wordpress

WordPress support for the Aegir project (front-end module).
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symlink for composer install of wp-cli was wrong on trusty #15

Closed devekko closed 8 years ago

devekko commented 8 years ago

as usual, doing R&D passed bed time, I followed the instructions but may have messed up

made manual symlinks and got a fair way into this, i.e. working wordpress sites, but not sure whats next

I should test this again on a vm and not my main dev server

devekko commented 8 years ago

this works for me now, on a second, afternoon (not past midnight install)

I didnt mess with bashrc (or zshrc) in my situation and it just worked

I think I might of just copied/pasted your commands not realilzing I didnt need this one

Make sure your Aegir user has a ~/.profile file, so that the .bashrc is read when using 'sudo -i -u aegir':

cp -i /etc/skel/.profile ~/

and that broke it for me?

anyways, closing