mlverse / luz

Higher Level API for torch
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Leak the `fit` function environment #74

Closed dfalbel closed 2 years ago

dfalbel commented 2 years ago

For some reason the fit function environment is being leaked and never gets deleted. See for example:

f <- function() {
  get_model <- function() {
      initialize = function(input_size, output_size) {
        self$fc <- torch::nn_linear(prod(input_size), prod(output_size))
        self$output_size <- output_size
      forward = function(x) {
        out <- x %>%
          torch::torch_flatten(start_dim = 2) %>%
        out$view(c(x$shape[1], self$output_size))

  model <- get_model()
  model <- model %>%
      loss = torch::nn_mse_loss(),
      optimizer = torch::optim_adam
    ) %>%
    set_hparams(input_size = 10, output_size = 1) %>%
    set_opt_hparams(lr = 0.001)

  x <- list(torch::torch_randn(100,10), torch::torch_randn(100, 1))

  fitted <- model %>% fit(
    epochs = 1,
    verbose = FALSE,
    dataloader_options = list(batch_size = 2, shuffle = FALSE)


See the mem-leak branch for an example.

emauryg commented 2 years ago

Hi Daniel, I've been working with the luz API recently, and found a memory leak similar to this one. It seems that after the algorithm converges, it does not get deleted and the memory is not freed. Is this issue resolved through the commit above?

dfalbel commented 2 years ago

Yes, even though the leak is not yet resolved, with the current version the amount of leaked memory should be very small.

FWIW we found that the leak is caused by

emauryg commented 2 years ago

Is the temporary fix currently implemented on the development branch or the mem-leak branch? When I used the development branch I get the following error:

`Error in on.exit(add = TRUE, {: invalid 'add' argument Traceback:

  1. runEM(init_pars, count_matrix, X = xmat, tau = 1)
  2. update_TnF(VIparam$lambda, Bparam$factors, Bparam$T0, X, Y, context = FALSE, . missingrate = m, weight = 0.01, tau = tau)
  3. tnf_fit(factors, T0, Y, tau, eta)
  4. tnf %>% luz::setup(optimizer = optim_adam) %>% luz::set_hparams(enc_start, . T0, factors) %>% luz::set_opt_hparams(lr = 0.05) %>% luz::fit(train_dl, . epochs = 10000, valid_data = valid_dl, callbacks = list(early_callback), . verbose = TRUE)
  5. luz::fit(., train_dl, epochs = 10000, valid_data = valid_dl, . callbacks = list(early_callback), verbose = TRUE)
  6. fit.luz_module_generator(., train_dl, epochs = 10000, valid_data = valid_dl, . callbacks = list(early_callback), verbose = TRUE) `

Otherwise, using the main branch, I still get the memory leak error.

dfalbel commented 2 years ago

It's in the main branch - installed with install_github("mlverse/luz"). The error you are seein seems to be exactly this:

I will change the order of the arguments, but it seems that using a more recent R version should also fix.

emauryg commented 2 years ago

So it seems that while the memory leak is small, my algorithm requires multiple calls to the optimization routine during the maximization step in an E-M algorithm, and it seems that calling the luz fit function multiple times does not fully free up GPU information after fitting. My algorithm is able to do 4-5 EM loops and then it gives the CUDA out of memory error. Not sure how reduce the impact of this.

dfalbel commented 2 years ago

Are you storing the results of each call to fit in a list or something like that? The results contain the model parameters which are probably stored on the GPU. You can perhaps, move the model to the CPU right after training with something like:


Could you share a snippet of what you are doing so I can investigate further?


emauryg commented 2 years ago

This would be part of the maximization step that gets called every time we go through an EM step.

# ## Optimize tnf with mini_batch

# update_TnF <- function(eta, factors, T0, X, Y, context = FALSE, missing_rate = NULL, weight, tau=0.01){
#     gc()
#     res_tnf_fit = tnf_fit(factors, T0, Y, tau,eta)

#     gc()

#     T0[1,1] = res_tnf_fit$cl 
#     T0[1,2] = res_tnf_fit$cg 
#     T0[2,1] = res_tnf_fit$tl 
#     T0[2,2] = res_tnf_fit$tg 

#     for (k in names(factors)){
#         factors[[k]] = res_tnf_fit$factors[[k]] 
#     }

#     return(list(T0= T0, factors = factors))

# }

# ## Set up dataset for dataloader

# y_phi_dataset <- torch::dataset(
#     name = "y_phi_dataset",
#     initialize = function(Y, lambda, T_tensor, F_tensor){
#         self$Y = Y$transpose(-1,-2)$unsqueeze(-1)
#         ## compute phi
#         self$phi = Phi(lambda, T_tensor, F_tensor)
#         #self$yphi = (self$Y*self$phi)$sum(dim=-3)
#     },
#     .getitem = function(i){
#         if(length(i) >1){
#                 return(list(Y = self$Y[..,i,,],
#                             yphi=(self$Y[..,i,,]*self$phi[..,i,,])$sum(dim=-3),
#                     ))
#         } else {
#             return(list(Y = self$Y[..,i,,],
#                     yphi=(self$Y[..,i,,]*self$phi[..,i,,])))
#         }

#     },
#     .length = function(){
#         self$Y$size(dim=-3)
#     }
# )

# ## module to compute our tensor reconstruction prediction
# tnf_fit <- function(factors, T0,Y, tau,eta){

#     tnf <- torch::nn_module(
#     classname = "tnf",
#     initialize = function(enc_start, T0, factors, tau = 1){

#         self$cl_ = nn_parameter(logit_op(T0[1,1]))
#         self$cg_ = nn_parameter(logit_op(T0[1,2]))
#         self$tl_ = nn_parameter(logit_op(T0[2,1]))
#         self$tg_ = nn_parameter(logit_op(T0[2,2]))

#         self$t_ = nn_parameter(logit_op(factors$bt))
#         self$r_ = nn_parameter(logit_op(factors$br))

#         self$e_ = logit_op(enc_start$e)
#         self$n_ = logit_op(enc_start$n)
#         self$c_ = logit_op(enc_start$c)

#         self$tau = tau
#     },
#     forward = function(Y){
#         m_ = make_m__(Y$squeeze(-1)$transpose(-1,-2))
#         K = ncol(self$e_)
#         D = Y$size(dim=-3)
#         factor_dim = c(2,2,16,4,2)
#         self$cl0_ = torch_cat(c(self$cl_, torch_zeros(1, K, device=device)), dim=1)
#         self$cl = nnf_softmax(self$cl0_, dim=1)
#         self$cg0_ = torch_cat(c(self$cg_, torch_zeros(1, K, device=device)), dim=1)
#         self$cg = nnf_softmax(self$cg0_, dim=1)
#         self$tl0_ = torch_cat(c(self$tl_, torch_zeros(1, K, device=device)), dim=1)
#         self$tl = nnf_softmax(self$tl0_, dim=1)
#         self$tg0_ = torch_cat(c(self$tg_, torch_zeros(1, K, device=device)), dim=1)
#         self$tg = nnf_softmax(self$tg0_, dim=1)

#         t0_ = torch_cat(c(self$t_, torch_zeros(1,K, device=device)))
#         self$t = nnf_softmax(t0_, dim=1)

#         r0_ = torch_cat(c(self$r_, torch_zeros(1,K, device=device)))
#         self$r = nnf_softmax(r0_, dim=1)

#         e0_ = torch_cat(c(self$e_, torch_zeros(1, K, device=device)), dim=1)
#         self$e = nnf_softmax(e0_, dim=1)

#         n0_ = torch_cat(c(self$n_, torch_zeros(1, K, device=device)), dim=1)
#         self$n = nnf_softmax(n0_, dim=1)

#         c0_ = torch_cat(c(self$c_, torch_zeros(1, K, device=device)), dim=1)
#         self$c = nnf_softmax(c0_, dim=1)

#         T0 = torch_stack(c(self$cl, self$cg, self$tl, self$tg))$reshape(c(2,2,-1, K))

#         T_tensor <- stack(T0, bt= self$t, br=self$r)
#         factors_ = list(bt = self$t, br = self$r, epi = self$e, nuc=self$n, clu=self$c)
#         F_tensor <- factors_to_F(factors_, factor_dim = factor_dim, missing_rate = m_)
#         T_tensor$matmul(torch_diag_embed(F_tensor))
#     },
#     loss = function(input, target){
#             # D = input$size(dim=-3)
#             # K = target$size(dim=-1)
#             dim_e = target$size(dim=3)
#             dim_n = target$size(dim=4)
#             dim_c = target$size(dim=5)
#             pred = ctx$model(input)
#             loss = -(target*torch_log(pred + 1e-20))$sum()
#             Cr = torch_mm(self$r$transpose(1,2), self$r)/2
#             Ct = torch_mm(self$t$transpose(1,2), self$t)/2
#             Ce = torch_mm(self$e$transpose(1,2), self$e)/dim_e
#             Cn = torch_mm(self$n$transpose(1,2), self$n)/dim_n
#             Cc = torch_mm(self$c$transpose(1,2), self$c)/dim_c

#             reg = torch_square( Ct - torch_diag(torch_diag(Ct)))$sum()/2 + 
#                     torch_square(Cr - torch_diag(torch_diag(Cr)))$sum()/2 +
#                     torch_square(Ce - torch_diag(torch_diag(Ce)))$sum()/dim_e+
#                     torch_square(Cn - torch_diag(torch_diag(Cn)))$sum()/dim_n +
#                     torch_square(Cc - torch_diag(torch_diag(Cc)))$sum()/dim_c
#             loss + reg*self$tau
#         },
#     step = function(){
#         ctx$loss= list()
#         opt  = ctx$optimizers[[1]]
#         loss = ctx$model$loss(ctx$input, ctx$target)

#         if(ctx$training){
#             loss = loss/4
#             loss$backward()
#             gc()
#         }

#         if(ctx$training && (ctx$iter %% 4 == 0)){
#             print("hello")
#             opt$step()
#             opt$zero_grad()
#             gc()
#         } 
#         ctx$loss = list(loss$item())
#     }   

#     )

#     enc_start_func <- function(Y,phi){
#         D = Y$size(dim=-1)
#         Y = Y$transpose(-1,-2)$unsqueeze(-1)
#         yphi_sum_e = 0
#         yphi_sum_n = 0
#         yphi_sum_c = 0
#         for (d in 1:D){
#             yphi_sum_e = yphi_sum_e + (Y[..,d,,]*phi[..,d,,])$sum(dim=c(1,2,4,5,-2))
#             yphi_sum_n = yphi_sum_n + (Y[..,d,,]*phi[..,d,,])$sum(dim=c(1,2,3,5,-2))
#             yphi_sum_c = yphi_sum_c + (Y[..,d,,]*phi[..,d,,])$sum(dim=c(1,2,3,4,-2))
#         }
#         return(list(e = yphi_sum_e, n = yphi_sum_n, c = yphi_sum_c))
#     }

#     ## Compute training
#     D = Y$size(dim=-1)
#     train_indices <- sample(1:D, ceiling(0.8*D))
#     valid_indices <- setdiff(1:D, train_indices)

#     T_tensor = stack(T0 = T0, bt = factors$bt, br = factors$br)
#     F_tensor = factors_to_F(factors=factors, missing_rate = make_m__(Y))

#     train_ds <- y_phi_dataset(Y[..,train_indices,drop=FALSE], 
#                             eta[,train_indices,drop=FALSE],
#                             T_tensor, F_tensor)
#     valid_ds <- y_phi_dataset(Y[..,valid_indices,drop=FALSE], 
#                             eta[,valid_indices,drop=FALSE],
#                             T_tensor, F_tensor)

#     train_dl <- train_ds %>% dataloader(batch_size = 128, shuffle = TRUE)

#     valid_dl <- valid_ds %>% dataloader(batch_size = 128, shuffle = FALSE)

#     enc_start = enc_start_func(Y, Phi(eta, T_tensor, F_tensor))

#     early_callback <- my_luz_callback_early_stopping(
#         monitor = "valid_loss",
#         patience = 5,
#         baseline=1e10)

#     gc()
#     fitted <- tnf %>% luz::setup(
#         optimizer = optim_adam) %>%
#         luz::set_hparams(enc_start, T0, factors, tau=tau) %>%
#         luz::set_opt_hparams(lr = 0.05) %>%
#         luz::fit(train_dl, epochs = c(0,1000), valid_data = valid_dl,
#             callbacks = list(early_callback), verbose = FALSE)

#     cl = fitted$model$cl$detach()
#     cg = fitted$model$cg$detach()
#     tl = fitted$model$tl$detach()
#     tg = fitted$model$tg$detach()

#     factors = list(bt = fitted$model$t$detach(),
#                     br = fitted$model$r$detach(),
#                     epi = fitted$model$e$detach(),
#                     nuc = fitted$model$n$detach(),
#                     clu = fitted$model$c$detach())

#     gc()
#     return(list(factors=factors, cl=cl, cg=cg, tl=tl, tg=tg))
# }

# monitor_metrics <- luz::luz_callback(
#   name = "monitor_metrics",
#   initialize = function(monitor) {
#     self$monitor <- monitor
#   },
#   find_quantity = function() {

#     o <- strsplit(self$monitor, "_")[[1]]
#     set <- o[[1]]
#     qty <- o[[2]]
#     opt <- if (length(o) >= 3) o[[3]] else NULL

#     out <- ctx$get_metric(qty, set, ctx$epoch)

#     if (!is.null(opt))
#       out <- out[[opt]]

#     if (length(out) != 1)
#       rlang::abort(glue::glue("Expected monitored metric to be length 1, got {length(out)}"))

#     out
#   },
#   # returns TRUE when the new is better then previous acording to mode
# )

# inform <- function(message) {
#   e <- rlang::caller_env()
#   ctx <- rlang::env_get(e, "ctx", inherit = TRUE)

#   verbose <- ctx$verbose

#   if (verbose)
#     rlang::inform(message)

#   invisible(NULL)
# }

# my_luz_callback_early_stopping <- luz::luz_callback(
#   name = "early_stopping_callback",
#   inherit = monitor_metrics,
#   weight = Inf,
#   initialize = function(monitor = "valid_loss", patience = 5, baseline=NULL) {

#     super$initialize(monitor)

#     self$patience <- patience
#     self$baseline <- baseline

#     if (!is.null(self$baseline))
#       self$current_best <- baseline

#     self$patience_counter <- 0L
#   },
#   on_fit_begin = function() {
#     ctx$handlers <- append(ctx$handlers, list(
#       early_stopping = function(err) {
#         ctx$call_callbacks("on_early_stopping")
#         invisible(NULL)
#       }
#     ))
#   },
#   on_epoch_end = function() {
#     qty <- self$find_quantity()

#     if (is.null(self$current_metric)) {
#       self$current_metric <- qty
#       # in the first epoch we should just save the value as the current metric.
#       return(invisible(NULL))
#     }

#     if(qty > self$current_metric){
#         self$patience_counter <- self$patience_counter + 1L
#         if (self$patience_counter >= self$patience &&
#             ctx$epoch >= ctx$min_epochs) {
#             rlang::signal("Early stopping", class = "early_stopping")
#         }
#     }
#     abs_cri = FALSE
#     rat_cri = FALSE
#     if( abs(qty - self$current_metric) < 1e-2 ){
#         abs_cri = TRUE
#     }

#     if(abs(qty - self$current_metric)/(abs(self$current_metric)+1e-20) < 1e-3){
#         rat_cri = TRUE
#     }

#     if( (abs_cri & rat_cri) & ctx$epoch >= ctx$min_epochs){
#         rlang::signal("Early stopping", class = "early_stopping")
#     } else{
#         self$current_metric = qty
#     }

#   },
#   on_early_stopping = function() {
#     inform(
#       glue::glue("Early stopping at epoch {ctx$epoch} of {ctx$max_epochs}")
#     )
#   }
# )
dfalbel commented 2 years ago

Can you try doing:

fitted$model$cpu() # <----- Add this line!
cl = fitted$model$cl$detach()
cg = fitted$model$cg$detach()
tl = fitted$model$tl$detach()
tg = fitted$model$tg$detach()

This way the fitted model parameters should go to the CPU and don't hold your GPU memory. The leak related to this issue should be very small, for example see