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add FR messages translation #1106

Closed cregouby closed 9 months ago

cregouby commented 9 months ago

Provide the french translation of all messages. The R translation framework relies on message detection through gettext() (out of the base::stop() message() and warnings()) thus I've wrapped all messages through it. I've tried to add the gettext()wrapper inside each the message definition in conditions.R file. This would have made the code nicer but after this, messages are not detected through the potools::po_extract(".") tolls to aggregate the translation file, wich means they won't be translated. This makes the P.R. looks like massive. Sorry for this Few messages typo are fixed as well

dfalbel commented 9 months ago

Hi @cregouby,

It's very unfortunate that potools can't find translations without us having to wrap all messages with gettext. Do you think it's worth opening a feature request for them? It seems they have support for messagef, warningf variants and maybe it's possible for them to add support for custom 'message raising' functions.

I don't want to block the PR tough, it looks great to me and it's very nice to have the translated messages!

Can you please add a small section to the CONTRIBUTING file with some instructions to add new translations and how to check them?

Best, Daniel

cregouby commented 9 months ago

Hello @dfalbel, Thanks for the review. I'll both raise a feature request to {potools} team and update the CONTRIBUTING file. And I'll let you know.

Best, Christophe