mlverse / torch

R Interface to Torch
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feat: comparison of torch tensors #1139

Closed sebffischer closed 4 months ago

sebffischer commented 4 months ago

I did not create a PR in waldo, because I think this method should be under full control of the torch package. I "hacked" it in, so waldo does not become a hard dependency here.

sebffischer commented 4 months ago

@dfalbel what is your opinion on this, do you want this in the torch package at all?

dfalbel commented 4 months ago

Yes, I think that's a useful feature! Do you mind checking why it fails on CI? We could also instead of registering onm package load, only register it when testing. Eg defining it in

sebffischer commented 4 months ago

It should be fixed now. I would prefer to add it during package so other people (including myself) can use it in their tests as well.

sebffischer commented 4 months ago

I am a bit confused by the failing windows test and the centos failure does not seem to be caused by this PR.

dfalbel commented 4 months ago

Yes, it's failing on older R versions I think:

Error: Error: argument "path" is missing, with no default
  1. +-testthat::expect_failure(expect_equal(x, x$clone())) at test-compare.R:37:3
  2. | \-testthat::capture_expectation(expr)
  3. |   \-base::tryCatch(...)
  4. |     \-base (local) tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
  5. |       \-base (local) tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
  6. |         \-base (local) doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
  7. \-testthat::expect_equal(x, x$clone())
  8.   \-testthat:::expect_waldo_equal("equal", act, exp, info, ..., tolerance = tolerance)
  9.     \-testthat:::waldo_compare(...)
 10.       \-waldo::compare(x, y, ..., x_arg = x_arg, y_arg = y_arg)
 11.         \-waldo:::compare_structure(x, y, paths = c(x_arg, y_arg), opts = opts)
 12.           +-waldo::compare_proxy(x)
 13.           \-torch:::compare_proxy.torch_tensor(x)

We could simply skip this tests if on R <= 4.0 if you want.

The centOS error is indeed not related to this PR, don't worry about it.

sebffischer commented 4 months ago

Thx for fixing the typo! I think we are good to merge here?

dfalbel commented 4 months ago

Thank you @sebffischer !