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Something is off in the pitch / NFCC computing functions #43

Open FredrikKarlssonSpeech opened 1 year ago

FredrikKarlssonSpeech commented 1 year ago

i just wanted to point out that there is something off in the NFCC calculations in torchaudio that is not present in pytorchaudio and therefore seems to not be carried over from there. I run some code that uses pytorchaudio to compute pitch using the kaldi method

import torch
import torchaudio
import torchaudio.functional as F
import torchaudio.transforms as T

SPEECH_WAVEFORM, SAMPLE_RATE = torchaudio.load("/Users/frkkan96/Desktop/a1.wav")

pitch_feature = F.compute_kaldi_pitch(waveform=SPEECH_WAVEFORM, 
    frame_length= 25.0, 
    frame_shift= 10.0, 
    min_f0= 50, 
    max_f0= 400, 
    soft_min_f0= 10.0, 
    penalty_factor= 0.1, 
    lowpass_cutoff= 1000, 
    resample_frequency= 4000, 
    delta_pitch= 0.005, 
    nccf_ballast= 7000, 
    lowpass_filter_width= 1, 
    upsample_filter_width= 5, 
    max_frames_latency= 0, 
    frames_per_chunk= 0, 
    simulate_first_pass_online= False, 
    recompute_frame= 500, 
pitch, nfcc = pitch_feature[..., 0], pitch_feature[..., 1]

and when I then look at the output, I am convinced that what I actually got was values from windowed portions of the signal.

pitch.size() torch.Size([1, 402]) nfcc.size() torch.Size([1, 402])

Kaldi pitch extraction is not exposed by torchaudio, but you can get NFCCs using the functional__compute_ncc function. But then I get confused as while this code (using the native pitch detection), I get nothing like the python output in NFCCs

origSoundFile <- "/Users/frkkan96/Desktop/a1.wav"
audio = transform_to_tensor(audiofile_loader(filepath=origSoundFile,
                                             duration=(endTime - beginTime), #A duration of 0 seems to be interpreted as the complete file
waveform <- audio[[1]]
sample_rate <- audio[[2]]
windowShift <- 10

pitch <- functional_detect_pitch_frequency(waveform,
                                         sample_rate = sample_rate,
                                         frame_time = windowShift /1000,
                                         win_length = windowSize,
                                         freq_high=maxF) # Expects seconds

nfcc <- functional__compute_nccf(waveform,
                               sample_rate = sample_rate,
                               frame_time = windowShift/1000,
                               freq_low = minF)
> str(pitch)
Float [1:1, 1:389]
> str(nfcc)
Float [1:1, 1:404, 1:630]

Optimally, these two R functions should correspond in dimensions with the python interface ones, and with identical window shift lengths (10ms in this case), the dimensions should be the same from detect_pitch and compute_nfcc, right?

skeydan commented 1 year ago

Hi, sorry for the late response!

From looking at the source(s), I would assume that

But I might be wrong :-) Let me know if that helps?

By the way, detect_pitch_frequency is available in Python, too, in case you'd like to cross-test the function directly (

Oh and please install the most recent torchaudio from CRAN :-) You would now load a sound like this:

audio <- transform_to_tensor(torchaudio_load(origSoundFile))