mlwoodward / renaissance-health-now

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ShipRush Integration error #7

Closed mlwoodward closed 9 years ago

mlwoodward commented 9 years ago

Hello Michael,

We've been looking into this issue further, and it appears that there may be a damaged or faulty order in your system causing the error. Can you check for order number "211", and see if there is anything unusual about it? If it's not an order you need to process, please try deleting it, or marking it as 'cancelled' so that we don't try to pull it when asking for new orders. Let me know once that's been done and I can retry the refresh between ShipRush and WooCommerce.

mlwoodward commented 9 years ago

Hi Elliot,

Thanks for the followup. Order number 211 has been removed. There were a few things that were strange about it.

1) No customer attached to the order 2) No products in the order

mlwoodward commented 9 years ago

Hello Michael, We're no longer getting an error when refreshing your webstore, but I'm also not seeing any recent orders downloading. Have any orders been placed in the last few days? If not, could you try adding a 'test' order just so we can verify the connection is working?

mlwoodward commented 9 years ago

Confirmation that this has been resolved by Debbie and shiprush.