mm0zct / Oculus_Touch_Steam_Link

SteamVR driver to enable Oculus Touch controllers with other headsets
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How do you change controller Predictions in SteamVR? #23

Open CrispyDude1 opened 4 months ago

CrispyDude1 commented 4 months ago

Hello, I wanna know if there's any way to change the controller predictions amount in the SteamVR files. Because I know that the Valve Index, and HTC vive have a setting called additional predictions (ms) which if you're on different refresh rates can give you different values for additional predictions (ms),

To find the additional predictions (ms) Step 1 You have to launch SteamVR, Step 2 you go to your settings and open video settings, Step 3 press the button called pre-application video settings
Step 4 select the game you want to do the video settings for, Step 5 scroll all the way down until you see "Throttling behavior" and set it to be Fixed Step 6 you should see additional predictions (ms) and you could then change the values up to 3. Here are the four different refresh rates for the additional predictions (ms) value.

SteamVR additional predictions (ms)

144hz- 20.83 (ms), 13.89 (ms), 6.94 (ms),

120hz- 25.00 (ms), 16.67 (ms), 8.33 (ms),

90hz- 33.33 (ms), 22.22 (ms), 11.11 (ms),

80hz- 37.50 (ms), 25.00( ms), 12.50, (ms)

I'm pretty sure it's possible to change in the files for it but I don't know what it will be called or how to change those values. So pretty much for OculusTouchLink it has a certain setting called predictions (ms) which has default value for 10.00 (ms) and you could change it to all the way up to 40 (ms) 500 (ms) or 1000 (ms) predictions, that's if you wanna have very high numbers for it.

I just wanna know where you could change that in the SteamVR Files so then that way you could apply it to your valve index controllers or HTC vive controllers, because when I use OculusTouchLink and then change the predictions to 990 (ms) just to see what would happen, I could see that the CV1 controllers, we're flying everywhere, if you were to swing up down left or right it will go pretty fast on both the game and in SteamVR menu where you can see your controllers.

The difference between SteamVR additional predictions (ms) and OculusTouchLink predictions (ms), Is

SteamVR additional predictions (ms), the highest number you can go depends on your refresh rate which the highest is 37.50 (ms) on 80hz, which only affects your controllers in the game but not your SteamVR controllers, So what I mean by that is that when you press the SteamVR menu button to go on your home screen and you try to swing your hand you can see the prediction is not being applied to it, so let's say if you went to 80hz and went to 37.50 (ms) predictions in the game, you could see the predictions being applied, but in the SteamVR menu you could see that the controllers don't have the predictions, it only applies to the game only.

OculusTouchLink, the highest number it can go is around I believe 1000 (ms) or 500 (ms) predictions, when the predictions are applied such as 500 (ms) predictions, you could see your controllers flying in both the game and your SteamVR menu, while SteamVR additional predictions (ms) doesn't do that and only applies it to the game only and not to your SteamVR menu, and the difference between the prediction values is that 37.50 (ms) is the highest value it can go up to on 80hz, while OculusTouchLink allows you to go all the way up to 1000 (ms) or 500 (ms) predictions which is obviously a lot higher than the SteamVR additional predictions (ms) feature for the Valve Index, and HTC vive.

So if possible is there any way to change it in the files for SteamVR, because I know that the values for SteamVR additional predictions (ms) is stored somewhere in the files and you can change it, but I don't know where it is. Or if possible, could you make a driver for it that allows you to edit the SteamVR additional predictions (ms) that allows you to go to 1000 (ms) or 500 (ms) predictions instead of 37.50 (ms). It would be pretty cool if you made a driver for it that allows you to change the additional predictions (ms) amount. That is more than 37.50 (ms).

Ohh and if there's any way of doing more communication through apps such as discord?

Much appreciated.