mm90849491 / CoopR-S

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[Priority: super low] file picker improvement #35

Closed mm90849491 closed 8 years ago

mm90849491 commented 8 years ago
  1. if the title is empty, I think it would be better to use the file name (without extension) as title after importing the file
  2. see this, this is a style integration issue, the background is inherent from ul, which is for the navigation bar. Quick fix -> give navigation bar a id, make the css field specific to navi.ul instead of ul in general
  3. resize the file picker window to reasonable size, right now it's full screen
  4. as the picker only accepts three file extensions, the filter text should display "All supported files; .doc, .docx; .txt; .pdf", at least "All supported files" instead of "Customised files"