Closed rp557rajendra closed 6 years ago
I see the problem. The config file needs to have a <Folders> in each folder you intend to have sub-folders. For example, in the example provided:
<Folder Name="Folder">
<Folder Name="Datasources" Hidden="true">
The above creates: Folder\DataSources
To fix your config you need to adjust your config file as follows: ...
<Folder Name="QA" Hidden="false">
<Folder Name = "AReports">
Also, I recommend not using the <Security> tags unless you get your <Security Name=""> and Roles right. I used the default, like you have, and ended up creating folders that I did not have the ability to Manage/Delete. I ended up having to go into the "ReportServer.Catalog" table and change the "Policy" column to be able to delete said test folders. Not providing <Security> tags means the folders you create will inherit their permissions from the parent.
Good Luck!
You can close the trick. Based on your suggestion, I have added "FOLDERS" tag and I am able to create subfolders. Added below screenshot so that it might help others
I have the following XML and expecting to create these folder structures in the report server. However, it is creating only data source but not the subfolders.
Please help me out by specifying the correct way of specifying the XML to create subfolders and reports in subfolders.
This is the XML used
Expected FOLDER Structure on Report Server
screenshot1 - My ROOT folder structure
screenshot2 - My ENV folder structure
screenshot2 - My Reports structure Lets say I have two reports under HOME -->QA-->AREPORTS