mmanela / diffplex

DiffPlex is Netstandard 1.0+ C# library to generate textual diffs.
Apache License 2.0
995 stars 183 forks source link

.NET 4.5+ Framework support #28

Closed MistyKuu closed 5 years ago

MistyKuu commented 7 years ago

Any chance of releasing .NET framework version side by side with .NET standard? There is a bug in last .NET framework version.

mmanela commented 7 years ago

@MistyKuu I thought you can use .netstandard from .net framework?

MistyKuu commented 7 years ago

Yes I can but if I reference it from framework it adds about 20 dependencies from nets tankard and I don't want to include them

mmanela commented 7 years ago

Sure, I am not against multi-targeting but I do not have time to play with it right now. I would gladly accept a PR if you wanted to.

MistyKuu commented 7 years ago

Can I build it myself from your sources and use it or is it against your license?

VahidN commented 7 years ago

You can use dotnet pack to do it automatically


  <Target Name="PostcompileScript" AfterTargets="Build" Condition=" '$(IsCrossTargetingBuild)' != 'true' ">
    <Exec Command="dotnet pack --no-build --configuration $(Configuration)" />