mmanela / diffplex

DiffPlex is Netstandard 1.0+ C# library to generate textual diffs.
Apache License 2.0
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Exception Using GoTo in WPF SideBySide #55

Closed DavidJSnyder closed 4 years ago

DavidJSnyder commented 4 years ago

I am trying to use GoTo to scroll to the differences in the WPF SideBySide and am getting an exception when I call it: "System.InvalidOperationException: 'The specified Visual and this Visual do not share a common ancestor, so there is no valid transformation between the two Visuals."

You should be able to duplicate by adding something like DiffView.GoTo(25); to the end of LoadData in WPFDemo.

DavidJSnyder commented 4 years ago

Realized that if I wait for the control to be visible then GoTo works.