As a Member/Admin
I need to be able to submit an upcoming event for approval
So that I can spread information about my event
Details and Assumptions
The member should be able to input an event flyer to the website.
The event will not be shown until an admin account approves it.
The admin will be able to post events directly.
Guest should not be able to submit posts
Users must provide either a description, a flyer, or both; providing neither is not permitted.
Members will be notified upon approval or rejection
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario: Successful submission
Given I am a logged-in member
And I click the "create a post" button
And I am redirected to the Create Post page
When I submit the event name, flyer(optional), description(optional), website link(optional), and contact information
Then I should see a message saying the post has been successfully submitted
And I am redirected back to the homepage
Scenario: Unsuccessful submission due to missing information
Given I am a logged-in member
And I click the "create a post" button
And I am redirected to the Create Post page
When I submit relevant information but left the flyer empty
Then I should see a message saying "Please upload a flyer."
And I should remain on the submission page
Scenario: Unsuccessful submission due to invalid flyer format
Given I am a logged-in member
And I click the "create a post" button
And I am redirected to the Create Post page
When I submit relevant information but an invalid file type for the flyer
Then I should see a message saying "Invalid file format. Please upload a PDF or image file."
And I should remain on the submission page
Scenario: Admin submits an event
Given I am logged in as an admin
And I click the "create a post" button
And I am redirected to the Create Post page
When I submit the event name, flyer(optional), description(optional), website link(optional), and contact information
Then I should see a message saying the post has been successfully posted
And the event should be visible to all users
As a Member/Admin I need to be able to submit an upcoming event for approval So that I can spread information about my event
Details and Assumptions
Acceptance Criteria