mmanning95 / ACME26WCV-Cpts421

Capstone project for Cpts 421 in conjunction with Whitman county's veteran service officer
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As a user I need to be able to create an member account so that I can utilize member-only capabilities, such as posting events and interacting with the community #23

Open mmanning95 opened 4 days ago

mmanning95 commented 4 days ago

As a user I need to be able to create an member account So that I can utilize member-only capabilities, such as posting events and interacting with the community

Details and Assumptions

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: Successful member account creation
Given I am a user with an email not used on the hub
And I click the "Create Member" button
When I enter my name, email address, phone number (optional), password, and matching password
And I submit the form
Then the account is created successfully
And I am redirected to the homepage

Scenario: Unsuccessful account creation due to incorrect email format
Given I am a user with an email not used on the hub
And I click the "Create Member" button
When I enter an incorrectly formatted email address
And I submit the form
Then I am shown a message saying the account has not been created due to invalid email format
And the page reloads with my previous inputs

Scenario: Unsuccessful account creation due to non-matching passwords
Given I am a user creating an account
When I enter a password and confirm it incorrectly (non-matching)
And I submit the form
Then I am shown an error message saying the passwords do not match
And the page reloads with my previous inputs

Scenario: Unsuccessful account creation due to email already being used
Given I am a user trying to create a member account
And I attempt to register with an email that is already registered
When I submit the form
Then I am shown a message that the email is already in use
And I am asked to use a different email or reset my password