As a admin/member
I need to delete my account
So that I can remove my presence from the platform when I no longer want to use it
Details and Assumptions
Deleting an account is irreversible.
When an account is deleted, all associated data such as posts, comments, and event RSVPs should also be removed, unless otherwise specified.
There should be clear communication about the impact of deleting the account, including a final confirmation dialog.
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario: Successful account deletion
Given I am a logged-in user (admin or member)
And I am on the edit profile page
When I click the "delete account" button
And I confirm deletion through a prompt
Then the account and all related items (posts, comments, RSVPs, etc.) will be removed
And I will be redirected to the homepage with a message confirming the account has been deleted
As a admin/member I need to delete my account So that I can remove my presence from the platform when I no longer want to use it
Details and Assumptions
Acceptance Criteria