As a admin/member
I need to be able to edit my profile including my first and last name, email address, phone number, office hours, and office location
So that my profile will remain up to date.
Details and Assumptions
Office hours and office location are admin-only and should only show for them
phone number is optional for users
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario: Successful profile update
Given I am a logged-in user
And I click the "edit profile" button
And I am redirected to the Edit Profile page
And I see my current applicable profile information (name, email address, phone number, office location, office hours)
When I enter my new email address, new name, new work phone number, or new office location
And I press the "save changes" button
Then I am redirected to the profile overview page
And I received a message saying "Profile updated successfully"
Scenario: Unsuccessful profile update
Given I am a logged-in user
And I click the "edit profile" button
And I am redirected to the Edit Profile page
When I enter an invalid email address
And I press the "save changes" button
Then I should see an error message indicating the email is invalid
And I remain on the edit profile page
As a admin/member I need to be able to edit my profile including my first and last name, email address, phone number, office hours, and office location So that my profile will remain up to date.
Details and Assumptions
Acceptance Criteria