mmarchetti / DirectIO

Fast, simple I/O library for Arduino
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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All port loop #33

Closed jafal633 closed 1 year ago

jafal633 commented 1 year ago

Hi all

How to use this library ??

Want to control all port C pins on and off with loop and delay but I am not understanding how with Arduino due ` // Define a 4-bit port starting at port C2. // This will control C2, C3, C4, C5 (pins 16-19). OutputPort<PORT_C, 2, 4> my_port;

void setup() { my_port.setup(); }

void loop() { // Turn on C2 (pin 16), and turn off the rest. my_port = 0x01; } `

Thanks in advance

mmarchetti commented 1 year ago

The code you provided will set the port pins to the value you provided. Since it's 0x01, one pin will be set high and the others low. If you want dynamic behavior, you can provide different values in loop(), since loop is called repeatedly by the Arduino runtime. To implement delays, you can use Arduino timing functions such as millis() to determine when it is time to change values.

jafal633 commented 1 year ago

Hi Sir and thanks for answering

In this example for instance is it computable with Arduino due and how much pins I can define ??

And without delay the 10mhz constant on all defined pins or dividing

` #include

OutputPin pin(2);

void setup() {}

void loop() { while(1) { pin = HIGH; pin = LOW; } } ` Thanks in advance

mmarchetti commented 1 year ago

If you are using OutputPort on an ARM-based Arduino, you should be able to define ports up to 32 bits (assuming all 32 pins are available on the board).

I don't recommend using OutputPin if you know the pin number - it will not speed up your code. Use Output<2> pin instead.

If you want to implement delays, you can call the millis() function in your loop() to see whether it is time to take your next planned action, or call the Arduino delay() function in between your actions to create whatever delay you need. DirectIO doesn't help with those parts.

jafal633 commented 1 year ago

Thank you Sir