mmasalha / GOVloan

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Work flowchart #1

Open shiryz opened 6 years ago

shiryz commented 6 years ago

Flowchart that explains the progress of the app.

mmasalha commented 6 years ago

תרשים זרימה.docx

mmasalha commented 6 years ago

Hello please find attached the Flowchart.

Karyum commented 6 years ago

hey @mmasalha thanks for the flowchart, i have multiple question but the main one for now is, does the user ( or the one who is submitting for checks ) receive an SMS message no matter what payment he chooses ? for example if someone pays by credit card what SMS message should we send them? and if he wants to pay cash, again does he get an SMS message ? or something else?

mmasalha commented 6 years ago

Hello @Karyum , he shoud recieve SMS any way. the SMS content will change regarding to his choise in chart 3