mmatyas / pegasus-frontend

A cross platform, customizable graphical frontend for launching emulators and managing your game collection.
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RocketLauncherUI Integration OR Added Feature Support #1062

Open AHandheldFan opened 1 year ago

AHandheldFan commented 1 year ago

Hi. I love your work and I love Pegasus-FE. Just wondering if you could implement or are planning to implement features such as 'Hide Desktop and Taskbar', Set Launch/Exit Delays, Not To Wait for Steam Exit to Return to Pegasus, or similar options that RocketLauncherUI has relating to these. GameEx has similar options too.

Also a feature to display non-installed Steam games (to make it easier to install from the one UI).

Lastly, the ability to Hibernate or Sleep/Suspend PC directly from the menu (alongside exit, restart and shutdown).

Platform: Windows/PC

mmatyas commented 1 year ago


AHandheldFan commented 1 year ago


  • Hide Desktop and Taskbar: Pegasus should already fill the whole screen when you run it in full screen mode; do you run into any issues?
  • Set Launch/Exit Delays: Pegasus stops when the launched game reports that it started. If your games have some extra delays, the common workarounds are using a custom script that runs on launch, and eg. fills the screen with a dark backround image.
  • Not To Wait for Steam Exit to Return to Pegasus: Pegasus return when the launched game quits; unfortunately if the launched game never quits, then Pegasus doesn't return either. Sometimes the opposite happens too, that Steam launches a game then reports to Pegasus that it can return; issue Bug: Steam games relaunches the frontend while launching game #442 is similar to this. At the moment there is no Steam-specific code for that, but might come in the future.
  • Display non-installed Steam games: I'm not sure if these are accessible offline or without logging into Steam. This one has an issue at [Feature Request] See not installed Steam games #723.
  • Hibernate or Sleep/Suspend: Yes, there's support for that already on some systems, just not on Windows yet.

Thanks for getting back to me. I'm having no issues. Just wanted to raise some feature requests. With the hide desktop and taskbar feature, what I meant was not being able to have another window pop up over the top. I got the idea from GameEx. Even if you alt+tab into another window, GameEx still displays over the top, natively. With no script or any tweaking.

As for the Delays. I would be interested in using a custom script to fill the screen with a black background...but I don't know how to write that script or any script. I think there should be an option implemented natively for this exact feature though. For example when GameEx launches, it also launches an app called HideOS which darkens the whole OS. I think that or something like that could be implemented.

As for non-installed Steam games. I think most people have Steam launch at startup anyway (and for those who do or choose to there should be an option implemented) but even if not, other frontends like PlayNite and LaunchBox are able to display non-installed Steam games albeit with logging in. So even if you implemented that feature with a required Steam API login/username and password login request or something, would be good. It's about having options at the very least.