mmcc007 / sylph

Runs Flutter integration tests on real devices in cloud.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Local Appium server instead of AWS device farm #98

Open alaksmana opened 4 years ago

alaksmana commented 4 years ago

Sir. I would like to learn how to use Sylph for local appium server instead of AWS device farm because of cost. We have collected some devices from friends and would love to use Flutter. How can we modify and contribute to your project so instead of using AWS device farm, we use our homemade local appium server device farm?

mmcc007 commented 4 years ago

Sylph has no dependency on appium even though it might appear to (it's hitching a ride on in an appium bundle. Other than that it does not use appium. Device Farm allows this).

If you have one server with multiple attached devices, it might be possible to adapt Sylph.

BTW: if you are a startup you can get like $5,000 credit for AWS. If so, may not be worth spending the effort on a local device farm.

BTW2: It's possible to add flutter (and android sdk for that matter) to bundle to save a few minutes downloading during metered time on Device Farm. But it will add considerable time waiting for bundle to upload. It is anticipated that eventually Device Farm will start supporting Flutter (with pre-installed versions, etc..)

48 (#51)

alaksmana commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your answer Maurice. We have already allocated all 5000 credit for learning serverless and others. :( It is also from biz interest we can get on sharing our farm device to other startups which will be sharing the device cost with us.

Would you be willing to work with us? If needed consultation and so on so we can work on your Sylph and make this happen?

mmcc007 commented 4 years ago

Do you plan to opensource and allow others to build their own device farm?

Offering a device farm service can be tricky. For example, in the end the economics could possibly be similar to AWS Device Farm.