mmcclenahan84 / ww1-project

Final project from our Digital Humanities class analyzing letters from WWI soldiers to see how the war impacted their mental and behavioral health
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Meeting Notes 11/09 #10

Open JacobAluise opened 1 year ago

JacobAluise commented 1 year ago

Meeting Overview

This week's meeting was dedicated to planning out the reading view for our website as well as addressing a few final issues in our markup before we move on to XSLT transformations.

Peer Edit Continuation

In conjunction with our standing peer review agreement, we discussed potential discrepancies with paragraph structure and spacing within our documents. Allison suggested we all take a look at the source documents over the weekend to ensure that we all have accurate paragraphs in hopes that will create uniformity between them.


We began a discussion on how we each wanted to tackle the 6th XSLT assignment for this course, and decided to each take a crack at creating a mock-up of the reading view for our site. Our main goal being to test colors against the site's color scheme and try to get some working buttons to change which factors are highlighted at a given time.

Web Design

In looking at our markup and what we want the final site to look like, Ben advised us to take a look at using Java Script to show or hide each letter on our site. We are hoping to have one letter visible at a time which can be chosen from a menu that runs alongside the reading view. In order to achieve this, Matt volunteered to look into some Java Script that would help us create this view. Additionally, we looked into some past group projects for ideas on how to best highlight our markup and various factors/emotions. We came to the decision to highlight our emotions as such: Negative emotions will be bold, Neutral ones will be italicized and Positive will be underlined. Each factor will be a different color, which we will discuss in depth at our next meeting. Our final point of note for our web design is that we decided to reserve the Courier New font for the letters and look into a different font for the site as a whole, as to avoid boring the user with a constantly repeating font.

Goals for Next Week