Open mmcclenahan84 opened 2 years ago
project response for november!
First I want to say I really love your webpage design and how its like I am reading all of this from a desk! It really goes well with your project research, I cant wait to see the final product!
I am also very interested to see how your reading view turns out, plus your analysis of these letters. I like how you chose to markup your texts by emotion and factors, I think the patterns and correlations you find will give insight to the main factors that contributed to mental struggles.
The navigation bar on the letters page is very helpful for searching through the letters! The year distinction can give insight possibly to the different influences from the time period. I understand you probably just haven't published this yet, but I was wondering what made you chose these specific letters? Overall this project is looking great! :)
Project Meeting 11/16/22
Overview of Markup
Going over XSLT homework
What to do for Next Meeting