mmcclenahan84 / ww1-project

Final project from our Digital Humanities class analyzing letters from WWI soldiers to see how the war impacted their mental and behavioral health
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Project Meeting 11/30 #12

Open amcheckeye opened 1 year ago

amcheckeye commented 1 year ago

Review of Ongoing Tasks

Matt is still working on Javascript implementation. Jake added the Schematron for our letter dates irregularities to all letters - maybe Inglis still needs this? Allison finished the XSLT for the reading view, and put the existing Methodology text on that page. It has some weird bugs that need to be fixed.

Current State of Website

Reading View We still want to redo it with flexbox, and have the reading view be 2/3 and the left nav bar be 1/3. For the top dropdown bar, it would be ideal to have 1916 and 1917 visualize as 2 columns when you hover.
Do we want the info element to show? For now, yes. 'Click here for more info on background' w/ hide feature -- stretch goal. Blurry edges on the papers -- also a stretch goal. Need to fix the footer element - make each element as a p so that they both indent.

Methodology Needs CSS and left alignment for sure. Add photo! Add a resources box?

Planning Visualization

Ben lead a discussion on SVG: We want to do two stacked bar charts in horizontal style:

How will we show the connection between factors and emotes? Can we show a correlation between negative - neutral - positive (a line) and plot the factors used most in each letter as a scatterplot?

Analysis page We can put some outline there with spaces for where the images will go once they're done. This will take shape once we see how the bar charts look.

Milestones for next week: Matt will to finish Javascript Jake will to polish Methodology and fix up CSS for the Letters page slightly (after Matt is done with Javascript). Allison will adjust the XSLT for reading view (noted above), then focus on writing XSLT>SVG for first stacked bar chart -ideally using XSLT on a collection() the same way that Ben's project did. Maybe adding some outline text on the Analysis page.

CarolineMcDonough commented 1 year ago

It's so exciting to see how your project has been progressing! I think your specifications for your reading view are promising— and it's very thoughtful of you to organize those plans in terms of what should be prioritized and what may be more of a stretch goal. That organizational idea seems valuable.

Your ideas for SVG visualization are also looking good, though there are a few things I'm curious about! How do you intend to organize the bar charts— by date, country, level of positivity/negativity, or some other metric? Also, do you think some sort of chart (a pie chart with percentages, a bar chart with scaled bars, or even a tornado plot aka butterfly bar graph) would work better visually than a table for displaying positive/negative letter numbers by country?

Finally, I'm curious how you're using schematron. You mentioned date irregularities, what sort of irregularities are you looking at and how will you use schematron to detect/fix them?

Overall, this looks like great progress. Can't wait to see the finished product!

MRL97 commented 1 year ago

It looks like this project is well on its way to completion! I was looking at your site and your 'letters' section looks really great! I like that you considered user-interface/friendliness when creating that portion of the site because that is where people will do their own investigation of the texts. It clearly separates out the years as well as the writers of the letters which is less over-whelming than seeing many letters all at once. I also think the key is really helpful because it allows for the user to quickly find whatever they wish to find within the text whether it be a factor or emotion--the selection aspect is also handy as it is something users can pick and choose perhaps multiple attributes at a time, should it be something into which they want to look. Overall, I think that if the rest of your analysis comes together as well as the 'letters' portion, then your project is going to be great! I can't wait to see the rest of it!

LMDeJesus commented 1 year ago

Very excited for you all and your project! You all have really great work going. I am very impressed by the JavaScript work you have all done! Your ideas for the SVG sound like they will appropriately showcase your data. I am excited to see the full analysis and conclusion for your data!

I suppose if I had one suggestion, I might think about checking the contrast for the colors in your JavaScript. I found myself straining sometimes to tell the difference between some of the colors.

That's my only note! Otherwise, fantastic work! Excited to see the presentation on Friday.