mmehr2 / Msw4

Source code for MagicScroll for Windows (basic) project.
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Automatic Script file transfer at start of Scroll mode #22

Open mmehr2 opened 6 years ago

mmehr2 commented 6 years ago

This requirement wasn't listed yet, but is essential. For testing up until now I have relied on manually exchanging scripts by email. This won't work for customers. When scrolling a new file from the Primary, its text must be sent to the Secondary first.

What happens after depends somewhat on our design. I chose a design that requires only one-way messages from P>S. This was from discussions with the ReadyCam customer about the primary usage scenario, where the Operator is at the central site with a copy of MSWR Primary, and at various remote studios, there is an automated equipment rack with a teleprompter running MSWR Secondary, with the Talent. They seemed to be intent on eliminating the need for an Operator there, so I have tried to work that out. (See issue #16 for reasons why this might not work.)

As far as Editing mode goes, the Talent will be in a voice conversation with the Operator during their Session. The Operator will make edits on the Primary as requested by the Talent, and several things could happen with those:

  1. Talent waits and when done, Operator goes into and out of Scroll mode to send the script again (entire), or just stays in Scroll mode while the reading continues
  2. Same, but only the changes just made are sent to the Secondary (save file transfer time, if needed)
  3. Variation in which the edits appear as they are made on both ends of the link (saves any waiting time by the Talent, they can see the requested changes being made). Might save transfers entirely, except at session start.
  4. In all cases, entering Scroll mode does NOT need to send the file again if no changes have been made since the last Scroll mode was done.

After some back of envelope calculations, I thought that the transfer time wouldn't be so much of an issue. But we should measure it in the test scenario and then see if methods 2-3 are justified for the extra development work they imply.

mmehr2 commented 6 years ago

This may turn out to automatically solve the problem in issue #14 about cross-machine resolution. Eric and I were testing the same file on our separate machines, but had our rulers set manually (and possibly not to the exact same settings), which would explain the slight differences encountered.

If the ruler settings (PARAFORMAT2 especially) are part of the RTF file sent, then we don't need a separate out-of-band message to make them match, internal operations of the richedit view class would take care of that when the remote text was loaded in.

Other than testing after this feature is complete, I'm not sure how to tell if this would work. But the idea of solving issue #14 by implementing this is a real time-saver if it works!

mmehr2 commented 6 years ago

The step 4 optimization should be easy enough. The MswDoc object can override the virtual SetModifiedFlag() function to call something in the gComm class when the file is changed or saved. The problem is that we want a separate state flag that is set when the file is modified BUT cleared when the changes are sent to the Secondary, NOT when the file is saved.

Plus, the gComm function needs to determine if the doc file being modified is the one we are currently editing, i.e., it needs to update its state when the user changes windows. Or maintain a set of flags for every open window in case we want to send that one.

Ideally, that info would be kept in the MswDoc class and retrieved by the gComm object when script transfer needed to occur. Or the Scroll Dialog would check this flag and prevent the call to SendFile() if it isn't needed. Needs some thought.

mmehr2 commented 6 years ago

Work Tasks:

Incorporating changes from further comments: @1 involves finishing with an EditStream instead of full file load if we already have the file open @2 involves being smart about sending if there have been no changes since last send. @3 is about holding off scrolling until file transfer is completed and ready

mmehr2 commented 6 years ago

I need to update the task list to include the requirement for Session Edit Changes optimization.

This is two things:

mmehr2 commented 6 years ago

Reliability feature: Need for back-channel ACK to the script transfer phase.

TROUBLE: If a NetworkError occurs on any block transfer sub call or get at the Secondary, the naive implementation operating blindly in one direction has no feedback that anything is wrong and will continue to operate in Prompt mode until the voice conversation alerts the Operator to quit (Esc).

If we had a feedback ACK message from Secondary to Primary to indicate transfer OK or fail, then the Primary could implement the Cancel command on behalf of the user, give them a Message Box, and go back to try-again state.

The same would need to happen if ANY subscription failure caused us to miss one of these blocks (check sequence counts), or network just hiccuped in the middle, or any number of things. Whether or not the Secondary can tell the Primary directly, it should actually put some indication up on screen that something went wrong. A user Message Box seems appropriate here, but if there is no one operating the UI, then makes it more difficult.

QUESTION: What kind of operator usage at the Secondary will the Customers require? Is this a configuration setting (Unattended/lights-out vs. Attended operation)? Or maybe it's a UI flag that someone can turn on if they are present and monitoring the Secondary?

mmehr2 commented 6 years ago

I was a little unclear about how to hold off scrolling until the file transfer was completed. It looks like an easy thing to modify the InitDialog() of the ScrollDialog class to remove the final send of the WM_SCROLL message, and post it from the PNComm callback when the final block of the transfer has been sent.

Ideally, we'd wait for a completion confirmation from the remote Secondary, but without two-way comm, this is the next best thing. It might be good though to do the 2-way, because there is also bound to be some delay on the Secondary to save the script file the first time, open the window, and load the richedit control with the text. So a final ReadyToScroll response would probably be best. We don't want to assume zero delay, just give them the best chance of being in sync.

This would also need the timeout handler to notify the UI that the Secondary isn't ready yet, we think. And a prominent message on the Secondary so the voice link could confirm.

UPDATE 4/20: No need to do this. The SendFile() command should be able to wait for the busy condition of the file transfer to complete before sending the next command (g2 - scroll on).

mmehr2 commented 6 years ago

Using a FILE offset replacement for BYTE

It's clear now to me that a version using FILE* offsets for fseek() would bypass all memory issues and by only encoding 32k chunks when needed, distributes the activity across multiple calls to the background thread, for maximum efficiency of both memory usage and processor time.

The existing code is based on files and even though Pubnub has no direct file transfer (yet), it's best to stick with this philosophy and try not to load the script into memory a second time (the contents of the RichEdit control are the first).

See the reserve() function for reasons why in-memory might not be a great way to go.

The actual offsets are only size_t numbers and can be pre-calculated using / and % when the file size is known (at initForCoding() time).

It's good to have an understanding of the tradeoff here with EDITSTREAM (see CRTFMemFile for other issues such as removal of page breaks that would cause this streaming to fail). Does this go away on the receiving end if we use the FILE approach? Perhaps only if we don't load the control with EDITSTREAM... well this has all been covered I think in use with existing files inside MSW anyway.

mmehr2 commented 6 years ago

Realization: The flag to keep track of NoChangesSinceLastSend needs to be an array of flags, one for each Secondary that could be sent to, cross-indexed by MswDoc object (or attached to each MswDoc). All to save the need for sending repeatedly. Perhaps this isn't as good a feature as originally thought.

Example scenarios for testing:

  1. Open doc 1. Scroll it to Secondary 1. Repeat scroll (it shouldn't do the file transfer the 2nd time).
  2. Open another doc 2. Scroll it to Secondary 1. It should go the 1st time, but repeats should not send.
  3. Make changes to doc 2. Go back to doc 1. Scroll it to Sec 1, it should STILL not send the file. Scroll it to Sec 2, it should send the first time (new combination of Doc1+Sec2), then not send after that.
  4. Go back to doc 2. Scroll it to Sec1 - it should send the first time, then not again until modified.

Similar testing of interleaved scrolling using at least 2 docs and 2 secondaries will fail if the implementation only keeps one flag per document, or per the app. Still, it seems to be overkill.

One flag per document, defined for scrolling to the current Secondary seems adequate for our needs. However, we need to make sure that the flag is SET every time we switch Secondary connections. This will force a send to the newly connected secondary "just in case". Otherwise we'd have to compare the version of the script on the remote (if any) with the one on the Primary to properly set the flag.