mmehr2 / StampCollection

My iOS code for managing my stamp collection.
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Total Price feature duplicates partial sets #1

Open mmehr2 opened 7 months ago

mmehr2 commented 7 months ago

The InventoryItem has a convention that uses the Desc field to show when a set is being spread over multiple inventory items. I later hit on the scheme of entering these partial sets automatically, and those are marked. But some of the early ones aren't marked using that convention ("Partial set .. (#1/3)" for example).

In any case, the AlbumPage.theTotalPrice needs to add up just:

  1. a non-partial set shows its value on the page it sits
  2. a partial set shows its value on the page where #1/N sits
  3. I may need to adjust the INVENTORY.CSV to backfill items that don't abide by this convention

Currently, the inventory value is inflated by counting entire set prices each time a partial is added.

mmehr2 commented 7 months ago

I have checked in commits that work with INVENTORY.CSV changes. I have added support for partial sets to InventoryItem+Ex.swift that allow detection of prices that should not be included. However, old data did not abide by this convention of using "Partial set" instead of "Values" to describe the arrangement.

So I have been editing the data (slowly). Today I modified these links in albums FDC01-03 (and maybe one in FDC04). Some more editing will be needed. New inventory is added at the end, so I believe there are no conflicts.