After I fixed the Windows compiling error regarding the "formula" definition, I get now the following two notes:
checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
liv: no visible global function definition for 'get_all_vars'
liv: no visible global function definition for 'model.frame'
liv: no visible global function definition for 'coefficients'
liv: no visible global function definition for 'lm'
liv: no visible global function definition for 'sd'
liv: no visible global function definition for 'new'
liv: no visible global function definition for 'slot<-'
print.liv: no visible global function definition for 'str'
summary.liv: no visible global function definition for 'printCoefmat'
Undefined global functions or variables:
coefficients get_all_vars lm model.frame new printCoefmat sd slot<-
Consider adding
importFrom("methods", "new", "slot<-")
importFrom("stats", "coefficients", "get_all_vars", "lm",
"model.frame", "printCoefmat", "sd")
importFrom("utils", "str")
to your NAMESPACE (and ensure that your DESCRIPTION Imports field
contains 'methods').
checking top-level files ... NOTE
is not mentioned in the DESCRIPTION file.
After I fixed the Windows compiling error regarding the "formula" definition, I get now the following two notes:
I attache you the file that made this errors...