mmeierer / REndo

REndo - A R package to control for endogeneity by using internal instrumental variable models
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variable names #4

Closed Rgui closed 9 years ago

Rgui commented 9 years ago

in hmlewbel.R the names of the variables returned are not the ones given in "formula" - see example below (the formula was y1~ M + P1, where M has two columns X1 and X2):

AER::ivreg(formula = y~ X + P | X + IV, x = TRUE)

Coefficients: (Intercept) XX1 XX2 P
3.4331 0.9484 3.1407 0.5571

could you please indicate how could I change that.


pschil commented 9 years ago

Using hmLewbel97.R which i assume is the most recent hmlewbel function The object returned by hmlewbel is the result of res <- AER::ivreg(y ~ X + P|X + IV, x=TRUE )which was called with the forumla y ~ X + P|X + IV. So the output is technically correct.

But I guess the the desired result would be:

obj<-hmlewbel(Data_hmlewbel$y1 ~ Data_hmlewbel$X1 +  Data_hmlewbel$X2 + Data_hmlewbel$P1, IIV = "yp")

Call: hmlewbel(formula = Data_hmlewbel$y1 ~ Data_hmlewbel$X1 + Data_hmlewbel$X2 + Data_hmlewbel$P1, IIV = "yp")

This can be achieved by replacing the call of the result of "AER::ivreg" with the call of the function itself:

res <- AER::ivreg(y ~ X + P|X  + IV, x=TRUE )
res$call <-

Did I get the desired output right?

Rgui commented 9 years ago

Yes, now it shows hmlewbel when I call the function (instead of AER:ivreg), Thanks. But still the names of the variables appear to be X and P (like in the call of ivreg), but I want to appear in the call of ivreg the names of the variables in the formula of hmlewbel().

hmlewbel(formula = Data_hmlewbel$y1 ~ Data_hmlewbel$X1 + Data_hmlewbel$X2 +      Data_hmlewbel$P1, IIV = "yp")

      (Intercept)  XData_hmlewbel$X1  XData_hmlewbel$X2        P  
               3.294              1.406              2.958                           -1.008 

The coefficients should appear to be Data_hmlewbel$X1, Data_hmlewbel$X2 and Data_hmlewbel$P1 and not XData_hmlewbel$X1 XData_hmlewbel$X2 and P

Rgui commented 9 years ago

I found a solution to this. Thanks. You can see it in the updated files