mmikeww / AHK-v2-script-converter

AHK v1 -> v2 script converter
The Unlicense
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Conversion of ternaries with double quotes #197

Closed Banaanae closed 3 weeks ago

Banaanae commented 3 weeks ago

After similar issues were reported in #147 I did more testing


Var2 := " ""Test"" "

Var := """Test""" = Trim(Var2) ? true : false

MsgBox % Var

V2 (Converted):

Var2 := " `"Test`" "

Var := "`"Test`"" 


V2 (Expected):

Var2 := " `"Test`" "

Var := "`"Test`"" = Trim(Var2) ? true : false

andymbody commented 3 weeks ago

Converts correctly on my end... silly question but... are you using the latest script?

Banaanae commented 3 weeks ago

D: I blame this image