mmistakes / jekyll-theme-skinny-bones

A Jekyll starter with a variety of flexible layouts and components.
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Gemfile causes crash #10

Closed yitzhakbg closed 9 years ago

yitzhakbg commented 9 years ago

After following the instructions (bundle install), any attempt to run Jekyll, with/without arguments, other Ruby versions, etc..., always crashes. For example:

jekyll help
/tank/Users/ybg/.gem/ruby/2.1.3/gems/mercenary-0.3.4/lib/mercenary.rb:21:in `program': cannot load such file -- mercenary/program (LoadError)
    from /tank/Users/ybg/.gem/ruby/2.1.3/gems/jekyll-2.5.1/bin/jekyll:20:in `<top (required)>'
    from /tank/Users/ybg/.gem/ruby/2.1.3/bin/jekyll:23:in `load'
    from /tank/Users/ybg/.gem/ruby/2.1.3/bin/jekyll:23:in `<main>'

Everything else seems OK:

bundle check
The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied

Removing the Gemfile (and Gemfile.lock) solves the problem

mmistakes commented 9 years ago

Have you tried bundle update as well? Looks like a gem conflict to me

I've seen some similar issues around mercenary/program (LoadError) ever since Jekyll updated to 2.5.0. Seems to mostly be a Windows problem that 2.5.1 supposedly fixed. If bundle update doesn't work try a downgrade to Jekyll 2.4.0 and see if that's the problem.

I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with my theme and is a Jekyll problem.

mmistakes commented 9 years ago

For additional help see here, here, and here.

mmistakes commented 9 years ago

One more bit of fun. Not sure if you're on Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux. I was testing things out on Windows and have all kinds of issues with Jekyll.

The 2.5.1 update that was suppose fix some problems is still giving me trouble. I also found that the Jekyll Sitemap gem for some reason causing a ruckus too. To get things working I uninstalled Jekyll 2.5.1 and Jekyll-Sitemap 0.6.2 and downgraded to:

gem install jekyll -v 2.4.0
gem install jekyll-sitemap -v 0.6.1
mmistakes commented 9 years ago

One other thing that worked for me. Run Jekyll with bundle exec. I was able to use the latest Jekyll and Jekyll Sitemap gems that way no problem.

bundle exec jekyll serve and bundle exec jekyll build

yitzhakbg commented 9 years ago

bundle exec jekyll ... solved the problem. You're right. With bundle exec it runs jekyll 2.4.0. Without bundle exec it runs jekyll 2.5.1

domhaase commented 9 years ago

bundle update did the trick