mmistakes / jekyll-theme-skinny-bones

A Jekyll starter with a variety of flexible layouts and components.
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Support for i18n? #14

Open vperic opened 9 years ago

vperic commented 9 years ago

It's my first time using Jekyll (very nice theme, btw!) so maybe I'm just missing something, but is there support for localization? I did find some things I could change manually, but there must be a way for me to change dates and such automatically?

Additionally, would you consider allowing pages/posts in multiple languages?

mmistakes commented 9 years ago

There's no simple way to localize the theme. You basically have to modify a few of the layouts and includes anywhere a date is used to display on the correct format. It's far from automatic and you really have to know what you're looking for to fully localize it.

On one of my other themes someone forked it and created a localized version for one language. I think that's the way to go since it would next to impossible to keep the theme simple while trying to cater to a host of locales.

If you want to support posts/pages in multiple languages there are no "off the shelf" solutions I'm aware of. I've seen a few blog posts where people share how they went about doing it. But each of theme were fairly involved and can be intimidating for someone just starting with Jekyll. You're probably best looking at a full blown CMS that specializes in doing language variants.

Jekyll is one of those things that lets you do approach things in multiple ways. Which can be a blessing if you like to tinkerand build something from scratch, and a curse if you don't know where to start and are just learning.

yonojoy commented 8 years ago

I have localized some hardcoded texts ("Overview", "Table of Contents", "Written by", "Updated") in my fork. Any interest that I submit this as pull request? (see

JOduMonT commented 8 years ago

@vperic I tried different method about localisation my site/blog (WordPress & Jekyll) and always finish by having 2 differents sites, with the second language as a sub-domain for SEO reason.