Closed simptomy-i-lechenie closed 5 years ago
Seems like a GH Pages or Jekyll issue. Looking at your screenshot of _site
it has a folder for /категория
. I'm assuming there's an index.html
inside of that.
Could be GitHub or the local Jekyll server has issues serving Cyrillic named folders. Not sure I can offer much other help as this doesn't appear to be a theme problem.
This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity.
If this is a bug and you can still reproduce this error on the master
branch, please reply with any additional information you have about it in order to keep the issue open.
If this is a feature request, please consider whether it can be accomplished in another way. If it cannot, please elaborate on why it is core to this project and why you feel more than 80% of users would find this beneficial.
This issue will automatically be closed in 7 days if no further activity occurs. Thank you for all your contributions.
Hello, Michael Rose, mmistakes. Thanks for the great theme features and beautiful design.
I use the minimal-mistakes on localhost and then upload it to the Gh-pages. I am faced with the problem of Cyrillic links on all types of pages. For example: when i run
jekyll server
, it creates tags in_site
folder. (e.g http://localhost:4000/ категория) but http://localhost:4000/ category works.screenshot if Cyrillic url screenshot if Latin url
The folders категория and categories are created in the _site folder. inside there is an index.html file
but http://localhost:4000/категория - 404 error http://localhost:4000/categories - it's ok...
screenshot _site folder
minimal-mistakes-jekyll 4.16.4 jekyll 3.8.5 jekyll-include-cache 0.2.0 jekyll-paginate 1.1.0 jekyll-paginate-v2 2.0.0 jekyll-seo-tag 2.6.1 jekyll-sitemap 1.3.1 jemoji 0.11.0 jekyll-archives 2.2.1 jekyll-feed 0.12.1 concurrent-ruby 1.1.5 i18n 0.9.5 minitest 5.11.3 thread_safe 0.3.6 tzinfo 1.2.5 activesupport 5.2.3 public_suffix 3.1.0 addressable 2.6.0 bundler 2.0.1 colorator 1.1.0 eventmachine 1.2.7 (x64-mingw32) http_parser.rb 0.6.0 em-websocket 0.5.1 multipart-post 2.1.1 faraday 0.15.4 ffi 1.11.1 (x64-mingw32) forwardable-extended 2.6.0 gemoji 3.0.1 mini_portile2 2.4.0 nokogiri 1.10.3 (x64-mingw32) html-pipeline 2.11.0 rb-fsevent 0.10.3 rb-inotify 0.10.0 sass-listen 4.0.0 sass 3.7.4 jekyll-sass-converter 1.5.2 ruby_dep 1.5.0 listen 3.1.5 jekyll-watch 2.2.1 kramdown 1.17.0 liquid 4.0.3 mercenary 0.3.6 pathutil 0.16.2 rouge 3.3.0 safe_yaml 1.0.5 jekyll-data 1.0.0 sawyer 0.8.2 octokit 4.14.0 jekyll-gist 1.5.0 minima 2.5.0 tzinfo-data 1.2019.1 wdm 0.1.1
Windows 10 LTSB Ruby 2.5.5-1-x64 with MSYS2
I would really appreciate it if you'd help me :)