Closed mmisw closed 9 years ago
From on November 09, 2009 17:54:48
Basic mechanism implemented. MMI Portal 1.6.2.alpha (20091109174222)
The HTML form in the MMI ORR deployment is located at: The fields in the POST request must indicate:
Note: 1) the client should indicate the ontology URI (ie., this is not obtained automatically from the contents of the ontology) 2) if the ontology URI is already registered, then the submitting user must be the same.
Tested with the attached file. The response from the 'direg' servlet is:
Then, submitted again to test registration of new version. The response is:
See: and click the "versions" button.
NEXT: 1- more testing 2- the programmatic example code in java.
Attachment: test1.owl
From on November 10, 2009 03:22:39
I'm trying to register an inference graph - which can contain several ontologies, so there is no real base URI. I created a namespace ""= with a distinct identifier.
So I am getting the error:
Attachment: inf-all-ooi.rdf
From on November 10, 2009 15:59:20
I did changes to accept any (valid) RDF file and prepare to indicate desired model graph in the back-end.
Please note:
1) the Ontology URI field is required as the identification of the registered entry. No information (base URI or any other) is extracted from the contents of the file. The URI given in the form is what will be used as ID.
2) The form now includes a graphId parameter. This is intended to identify a particular model graph in the MMI repository. It has two options: "ooici" and "main". At time of writing, this is NOT yet fully implemented in the back-end (that is, the RDF contents always go to the main ORR graph) but I will work on that later.
I tested these changes with the inf-all-ooi.rdf file and the following parameters in the form:
Ontology URI: graphId: ooici
Note, I added -TEST for the URI in this test because I will be removing that entry shortly. Please do your test with the desired URI ( ).
The response to the test was:
From on November 10, 2009 16:25:20
Just some test queries below.
(Note: I'm noting an issue with the update of the graph upon registration. After re-loading the graph the following queries were processed OK.)
SELECT ?p ?o WHERE { < > ?p ?o }
PREFIX rdfs: < >
WHERE {?s rdfs:isDefinedBy < >. }
PREFIX rdf: < > PREFIX rdfs: < > SELECT ?comment WHERE { "> rdfs:comment ?comment }
From on November 10, 2009 22:04:42
I created issue #218 for the problem of not proper update of the graph upon registration, indicated in my previous comment.
From on November 24, 2009 22:54:40
Except for the actual processing of the graphId parameter (see new issue #225 ), this is implemented now. The demo program is available at:
Status: Fixed
From on November 09, 2009 10:22:53
What capability do you want added or improved? Direct mechanism (as opposed to the portal interface) to register an ontology so a client can simply specify the desired ontology (ideally containing the recommended metadata--see below) and a few required fields including username and password. Where do you want this capability to be accessible? In the main ORR service. What sort of input/command mechanism do you want? A simple HTTP POST call where I specify the ontology file, username/password and other relevant information (to be determined). What is the desired output (content, format, location)? A textual response (perhaps in XML) indicating the result of the operation: i) success, confirming the registered ontology URI; ii) error, including the reason of the error. Other details of your desired capability? 0) The ontology is to registered in "re-hosted" mode. (We can later add the ability to register in "fully hosted" mode.)
1) An HTML form should be included to illustrate the required information (and demonstrate the functionality).
2) A programmatic example (in java) showing how to use the service.
3) The submitted ontology should include metadata as recommended by MMI. Initially, this can be relaxed while testing is performed. For now, the submitted ontology can include the following prefixes:
and define the following properties associated with the ontology resource:
Original issue: