mmisw / orr-portal

ORR Frontend component
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question about 'most recent version' URIs #105

Closed graybeal closed 7 years ago

graybeal commented 7 years ago

In we have the following section/text. Do we ever support the '$' substitution for the version string? I'm guessing not.

URLs to Specify the Most Recent Version of an Ontology or Term

It is often the case that a user wants to obtain the most recent version of a given ontology or term. In this case, the version string is replaced by '$'. (The resourceType can never begin with a dollar sign, so confusion is unlikely.) Thus, these requests should obtain the most recent version of the corresponding ontology or term:$/platform.owl$/platform/moored_buoy
carueda commented 7 years ago

It was implemented a long while ago, not anymore.

graybeal commented 7 years ago

Hey ... it looks like we don't resolve individual versioned ontologies or URIs (any more?), either.

So there's not (any longer?) a way to look up a particular term version?

carueda commented 7 years ago

Are you using the version parameter? If yes, then it would be a bug. Give a specific example please.